Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This Christmas.

Wow. What a weekend.

We spent Christmas Eve with Lee and his side of the fam which included opening presents at Karen and Lesters, a visit out to see Grandma Norene and dinner at Aunt Tammys.

Christmas morning started no later than 5:30 in the morning with 2 anxious kids climbing into bed with us to announce that Santa had been here.

The kids got way to much as usual and even Ava got spoiled with gifts.  (The stash of outfits, blankets, diapers and baby stuff is quickly piling high in the closet.)

It was a great (but exhausting) day.

Now that the craziness is over, the clean-up begins.
Oooh fun, fun.

Friday, December 23, 2011

That "what is it?" wait is over.

Introducing: Ava Reese, our sweet baby GIRL:

--I was so proud of myself for actually consuming the 32 ounces of water that they ask you to drink before an ultrasound. In the past I am known to just drink a little (I kinda hate water - unless it has crystal light in it) and always have to be sent back out into the waiting room to drink more. Lee just loves it. Not.

--When the tech first started the scan, little miss Ava would not cooperate. At all. She was laying face-down curled up in a ball with no desire to move. Even with all the nudges and shakes that were going on to shift her... nope, she just wasn't having it.

--We took the kids along and they were so interested in it all. They asked alot of questions and I was thankful to have such a sweet technician that didn't seem to mind at all. She explained everything she was doing. While she measured, she even told them what everything was. (That was really nice for me too, since I usually can never tell what I am looking at on those things.)

The foot:

The hand:

The proof:

--After the initial "it's a little girl" announcement, Layton became very quiet. Lee asked him if he was okay and he just shrugged his shoulders and said: "well, I won't be able to teach her anything." (Somebody had high hopes for a baby brother.) He has been pretty quiet today ever since, but just came up to be and gave me a random hug and then patted my belly. I am hoping that this is a sign that he is getting used to the idea - cause there is nothing we can really do about it now.

--I was told to get up and use the restroom (in hopes that she would move) and layed back down to see that she hadn't. I then had to roll to my left side, then my right, then onto my back again. Finally, all the moving got her to flip over. Even afterwards though we couldn't get a great profile picture of her because she prefered to have her foot in her face and her hand almost in her mouth the entire time. I joked around and said that I really hope this girl isn't a thumb-sucker. You watch, she will be.

--She is weighing in at about 11 ounces and according to the tech at this stage she should be about 9 ounces so she's just a little on the bigger side. I have this hunch (and have since the beginning)  that she will be closer to early-May rather than mid, but we shall see. Either way though, I just can't wait to meet her. I know she is going to bring our family so much joy. Heck, she already has. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The contract.

The other night, I was super pleased that the kids were playing together and actually getting along.
It seems like these days all they want to do is argue so when they spent over 2 hours playing nicely - I wasn't complaining.

I went into check on them and let them know that it was time to start cleaning up and let me tell you it was beyond a mess. Every toy out of every bin was on the floor including the toys from Kaylees room.
It was clear that they had fun.

Kay came out of the room a little later and was sitting on the couch. I look and see that Layton is slaving in his room to pick everything up but he wasn't saying anything about her not helping (which never happens.)

This was our conversation:

Me: Kaylee? Why aren't you in there helping him?
Her: I don't have to.
Me: Um, yes you do.
Her: No, really. I don't have to. He signed my contract.

She hands me this:

((Well after I read it, of course I laughed.))

Me: Okay, first, this is not okay. This is something your Dad would have done to your Aunt when they were kids (I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.)
Get in there and help your brother. NOW.
Her: Fine...

Later, I explained to her that half the things on the list benefited her just as much as him and that was why it was extremely un-fair for her to make him do all the work afterwards.

She just smiled, laughed and then said: Oh, I know, but it was sooo worth a shot mom.

Wow. Really? [SIGH] This girl is our handful, that's for sure.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So out of the 'baby' loop.

It's obviously been awhile since we have had a baby in our house, and the fact that this one and Layton will be 8 years apart actually makes me cringe a little when I think about it. I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting transition, but one I am thrilled for of course.

The other day I decided to browse through the baby department at a few stores and was feeling a little lost to say the least. Some of the things that they have out now, had me scratching my head. I think they had at least 30 different types of pacifiers if not more (even something that looked a lot like a mouthgaurd for a football player - I still haven't figured out what its purpose was), a bottle warmer that reminded me of a coffee maker, an infant carseat that actually cost over $550 and they even have a baby swing that converts into a bouncer, and a highchair. Um.... okay? Smart thinking, I guess.

I stood there feeling a bit overwhelmed. I won't lie.

One thing I also have been hearing a lot about lately are these super, duper CUTE  leg warmers for babies that they didn't have when my kids were little.

I love them so much that my I already have a few pairs (for both boy and girl) picked out and in my shopping cart ready to be ordered as soon as Friday rolls around and we finally know what this little bean is.

Oh, baby shopping... It's right around the corner. Eeeek!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

He's not big on sharing.

Bentlee loves to ride in the car. He prefers to go with us everywhere and in the morning when I take the kids to school he knows that he always gets to go with us.

Another thing he loves about riding in the car is the front seat. I swear he thinks he's human and he usually just sits there staring out the window content as can be. But, when Kaylee is with us they like to 'fight' over who gets it. She usually wins this battle by tricking him. He gets in first and takes his spot in the passenger seat. She then opens the back door and calls him. He gets excited, jumps in the back, and she quickly jumps in the front. Usually, it works like a charm and normally he just shoots her a look like 'Gaww, she got me... again.'

However, the last few mornings he has refused to settle for the backseat and instead they ride to school looking like this:

Kaylee gets to complain the entire time trying to get him off of her, but he just sits there. Happy as a clam, like nothing is wrong in the world. 

It's a good laugh... everytime.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The holiday funk.

I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with me this year, but it has been super hard to get me in the Christmas spirit, and for me? This is strange.

Afterall, I am the girl who gets crap every year for having her fake tree up before Thanksgiving and more crap again, when it isn't down days after New Years.

Not this year. This year Lee had to tell me that we needed to get it decorated. I just grumbled but did it anyway. (I will say, I did enjoy it once we got going) but now I am already dreading taking it down.

Thankfully, our Christmas shopping is almost done. (Just three more presents to buy - YIPPEE!) Now, this part I always enjoy, because I absolutely L-O-V-E the giving aspect of Christmas. I seriously can't wait for the 'opening presents' part.
But, as for the 'wrapping them all' part? Well, just see my post from last year.

Ahh yes, some things never change.

Monday, December 12, 2011

[Preggo] UPDATE.

So, my sweet friend Sarah gave me this idea to document stages of my pregnancy. (I was inspired after I read a blog post of hers last week.) What a great way to be able and remember all of the ups, downs, joys, and occasional freak-outs that come along with this amazing journey.

So, here goes:

-- Just when I thought I was over the 'throwing up every day' thing, it slapped me in the face again last week. HARD. I had to go back on my medication for nausea and the last couple days have been a huge relief. It sure beats walking around feeling sea sick 24/7.

-- I scored a doppler from my friend Bree and am now in the habit of listening to babys heartbeat everyday (Okay, and sometimes more than once a day. Why lie?) It makes me feel connected and gives me a sense of reassurance.

-- This belly of mine is getting BIG. I find myself even being a bit self-conscious about it when people compliment me. I feel like I am almost too big for how far along I am. (Lee has to keep reminding me that at every appointment the baby measures bigger - meaning I am going to look bigger.) I'm not exactly sure why I am bothered by it. Maybe I'm just worried that I will have a huge baby? My friends wife just had a 10 pounder. Um, that better not be me.

-- We have decided on names. We thought we had them well over a month ago but something kept bugging me about our choices. So, the last few weeks we have been working out the kinks and have 2 names finally locked in. If we have a boy (which almost everyone is certain it will be) his name will be: Landon McCoy. If it's a girl (which I am certain it will be) her name will be: Ava Reese. We find out in 12 days and I can hardly wait. I need to get this 'planning and shopping' show on the road.

-- Baby is moving around a lot and I can finally feel it. It's the best. Sometimes we even play a little game with the flashlight. I shine it on my tummy and move it around and the baby responds everytime. It's pretty amazing.

-- Layton is obsessed with rubbing my belly. I have noticed lately that he will even do it self-consciously sometimes when he's just talking to me. It's adorable and I love it. I just know that he is going to make a great big brother.

-- I started a breastfeeding class last week and made the bestie come as my support person. In the past I haven't been successful and this time, I am determined. I am super excited about it.

-- I have this crazy craving for red, white, and green gummy bears. (I have to eat all 3 flavors together) and refuse to share them. The kids always get the leftovers: yellow and orange. Lee bought me a 7 lb bag from Costco the other day and it's already half eaten. Mmmm. I love them.

-- (This may make some people want to punch me in the face but I have to say it anyways because it is part of my documenting.) I have not gained a pound... Instead I am down 10. (Makes me kind of sad actually, if I am being honest.) For me though, this is the norm. It was the same with both Kaylee and Layton and I get to thank the lovely morning sickness for that. No worries though - I usually start packing on the pounds at about 6 months.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The little gentleman.

Ever since he could walk we have always tried to instill good manners in this boy of ours.

We taught him at a young age the 'ladies first' rule and I even remember him in church when he was super little - always letting the girls first in line.

Now lately, he has been obsessed with holding doors open for me. It can be anywhere. At the store, when we get home, or the favorite - my car door. Every morning when we go out to get in the car for school he runs to my door first, opens it, lets me climb in, shuts it, and then hops in the back.

He sure knows how to make my heart melt, and I have a feeling that if he keeps this up? In just a few more years, he's going to have no problem impressing the ladies. *SIGH*

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Listen up Oregon,

If you are going to be 20 something degrees morning, noon, and night could you at least do me a favor and just SNOW!?

This going outside to warm up the car every morning (or even worse, when I forget and I have to stand out there in my thin pajama pants, flip flops and t-shirt scraping off my windows while I freeze to death) is getting a little annoying.

Its obviously December and CLEARLY cold enough. So, c'mon - just give me a break.
Us at the Frakes' house really want to make a snowman.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cabin fever.

Thanksgiving every other year is celebrated at a cute and cozy little cabin up Northfork Road.

It's a family tradition and so far has made many memories for our family.
This year was no different, and we had such a great time.

There was lots of food, lots of stories, lots of laughs, and ALOT of noise.

There is just something about cramming tons of people in a tight space with no cable and plenty of board games, letting the kids run wild, and staying up as late as you like.

It was nothing short of awesome.

[[Oh, and that picture above? Most people would just shake their heads. But, us? We laugh.]]

Monday, November 21, 2011


That's been us this week.

Layton got the crap-end of the stick this time coming down with it first.
Strep throat AND scarlet fever.
Poor boy. It started last Monday and he still has a low grade fever - an entire week later.
I've never seen him so sick. Broke this mamas heart, that's for sure.

Lee and I were lucky enough to catch the strep throat (fun, fun.)
We got started on antibiotics yesterday and I must say I am already starting to feel better.
Him however? Well, he's miserable. He has a sinus and chest congestion thing going on too.
[Yes, men can be total babies when they are sick, this I know but, I actually feel a little bad for him this time around.] He's looking a little rough.

Kaylee so far is showing no signs but, knowing our luck hers will hit Thansgiving morning or something.
So crossing my fingers that isn't the case. I may just cry. Okay, scratch that - I WILL cry.

Friday, November 18, 2011


He's the BEST (yes, even when he won't cooperate for a picture.)
I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone else, so happy anniversary to my handsome husband.
I love you more than gummy bears - and right now? That's saying a lot.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The on-looker.

We have a house being built across the street from us and Bentlee is totally obsessed with sitting by the window and watching them work.
I timed him the other day: 37 minutes sitting in this position.
Oh, to know what he's thinking...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Goodbye waistline.

I am starting to look pregnant and not like I just ate too much for lunch. [Yay. FINALLY.]
This has to be one of the most exciting moments for me - a constant reminder that there is actually a little 'baby in there.'
It's time to tuck away my old clothes and go shopping for cute maternity tops and more bella bands instead [because THESE THINGS?  are the best invention EVER.]
I'm saying goodbye to my somewhat flat tummy and HELLO to my new baby bump.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Because "mullets" are not okay.

I decided to grow my hair out 6 months ago and am shocked that it's actually been that long and I haven't gave in to my many urges to chop it.

I've done pretty good, but recently I noticed that the back was getting MUCH longer than the sides.
It was beginnig to resemble a mullet and no, I'm not kidding.

I went in for a trim today to make it all "even" and actually lost more length than I was wanting to (ugh, all that hard work for nothing) but it does look so much better.

Who knew that this process would be such a long and frustrating one.
Hopefully in the end - it will be worth it.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Civil war.

We played against the other Keizer team today - the BLUE Celtics.
It was cold, wet, rainy, and muddy.
Just the way a good football game should be.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


These two have had a bond like no other since day one.
Every week there is almost always an 'awww' moment shared between them.
This week it was this one:

Layton was all comfy on the couch when Bentlee decided he wanted to snuggle.
Layton just looks over his shoulder with a chuckle and says: " I love you too buddy".
Yep, pure CUTENESS right there.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This year I helped Kaylee with her costume and Lee was in charge of hooking Layton up with his.
She looked hilarious and rocked it - nerd style:

Layton looked fa-reaky (which is EXACTLY what the boys were going for):

I have to admit, I wasn't big on the whole 'blood and brains' theme, however I can't deny that Lee did do a killer job on his costume and make-up.

Monday, October 31, 2011


My least favorite thing to do during fall? Carve pumpkins.
The kids' favorite thing to do during fall? Carve pumpkins.
Who wins? DUH.

I must say though that this year was the first year that they weren't sick of it within 10 minutes.
Usually the project ends with Lee and I finishing their pumpkins, and I was really dreading it since he was at work on the day we decided to do them - thinking that I would be sitting at the table an hour later carving 2 pumpkins by myself.
Not the case. They stuck it out the whole time.
Yay for independent kiddos.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project: Add-on.

So, it's official. We will be doing an add-on to the house starting next month. Time to make a little room for this bun in the oven.

I plan on taking pictures this time (unlike when we remodled the entire place last year) and I will keep everyone posted.

The idea is to convert the garage into a room for Kaylee, and build a hallway attatching it to the house.
I am awful at visualizing things so I have to believe Lee when he tells me it will look awesome.
Afterall, the guy hasn't failed me yet.

Stay tuned.....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Missing me.

The last month or so has been a doozy. I feel like I have turned into a constant complainer.
Sometimes I wonder if all of the people around me just wish I would just shut up already.

Morning sickness has been kicking my ass. Plain & simple.
Because of this everything that needs to be done around me has been pushed to the back burner.
The house has been totalled, laundry goes un-touched for days, I haven't cooked a full meal for the family in FOREVER, and just driving to and from school to deliver and retrieve the kids can be a daunting task.

I manage to get grocery shopping done, and I haven't missed a practice of Layton's or a football game to date (which makes me feel pretty good) Most days I wish I could just curl up and die.

I have been noticing a few "breaks" in the day as of lately, moments where I actually stop for a sec and think to myself 'hey, I kinda feel okay right now' - so I am hoping that this is a sign for the upcoming weeks. I seriously hope that there is some light at the end of this tunnel.

I almost feel that by bitching so often that I may actually jinx myself into something bad happening (dumb I know) but, it has crossed my mind.

I keep teling Lee that if these first couple months are any indication on what this little being growing inside me is gonna be like when it gets here... we just may be in for it.

-- I also noticed on Wednesday after putting on a pair of jeans (the first pair in weeks - since I LIVE in sweats now) that they were not wanting to button [I got them, but it was a challenge - next week, I probably won't be so lucky.] I joked around about it, like seriously... already? But, I must admit - I am a little excited about that. The fact that they won't button means that this little baby  is growing... and how can I really complain about that?

Friday, October 7, 2011

The life-long roomate.

Layton had a rough time falling asleep the other night.
He came into my room and broke down in tears.
When I asked him what was wrong he just says: "Mommy? I never want to grow up."
When I asked him why he said it was because he never wanted to leave me and his Dad.

Well, of course it melted my heart and then it made me laugh.
I tried to explain to him that someday his oppinion would change but for now it might seem a little scary, which is totally normal.
I also explained to him that Lee and myself went through the same thing at some stage in our lives, and we clearly got passed it.
He wasn't convinced.

After tucking him in twice (and him ending up back in my room needing tissues) I thought that maybe I should try a different approach.
I scooped him up and made him a promise.

Me: Okay Lay, I will make you a deal. You can live here forever, okay? Mommy and Daddy will never make you move out. Ever. And if someday, you decide you do want to leave, then we will be okay with that too, but it will be totally up to you. Okay?
Layton: Really? Well what if I get married? Can my wife live here too? and my kids?
Me: Ummmm...... sure?
Layton: Okay, well deal. Oh, but don't worry I will get a job... and pay rent, k mom?
[OMG. Could he be any CUTER!?]
Me: Alrighty, that works.

And after that conversation (and a little reassurance) the boy was out within minutes.

I decided to call Lee and we laughed about it together, but then we thought: Oh crap. What if he really chooses to live here forever?

Afterall, I did make a promise and this kid is known for remembering EVERYTHING.
Oh, boy.....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The news.

I was speechless.
I imagined this moment over and over in my head.
Imagined the joy I would feel.
Imagined the relief.
Imagined the excitement.
The nervousness.
But, as I stood there and stared at those 2 pink lines, I couldn't even speak. Hell, I could barely process it.

After trying on and off for the last 3 years and suffering two losses, I had finally started to accept the painful fact that another baby was probably just not in the cards for us.

I sat in my car a few months ago with Becca pouring my heart out to her. Expressing all of my anger and my emotions. Trying to process everything and not understanding when it got so damn hard to get pregnant.
I remember her saying to me: "Have you ever just told yourself that it might not happen"? That was hard to hear, but something that needed to be said. (May I add that I love this girl? She just gets me and is the one person who will shoot it to me straight. Always. I really don't know what I would do without her.) So, after my much needed (and overdue) meltdown. I started to look at it all in another way. I started to look at life a little different. I told myself that I needed to stop living in the past and instead focus on the now. As corny as it sounds I kinda just let it go. I was more than exhausted from trying to have control over everything that happened.

Now, when I say this - it's not like I turned off a switch and it all went away. Please. I wish it were that easy.
But, I did relax a little. I started thinking about it a little less and looking at the 2 amazing kids I did have and finally accepted that if I never had another at least I was lucky enough to have them in my life. I knew I was one lucky lady to be able to call them mine.

I made an appointment with my doctor for the 20th of this month and Lee and I had (almost) decided to stop trying all together. We felt like we gave it a good shot and it just wasn't in our future.

Then? I was late.

All of those feeling came bubbling back up - but this time in the back of my mind. I just told myself: It's going to be negative. It's always negative.
I have become a pro on peeing on a stick too let me tell you . This girl doesn't even need to read the directions anymore.
So, one morning I woke up and tested (like I have done 50 times before) and set it on the bathroom counter.
I went to do the dishes and came back to toss it in the trash.

I stood there for at least a minute and then had to sit down on the floor while I stared at it for another one.
I seriously couldn't believe what I was seeing.

From the get-go, this pregnancy has been different. I've had all the symptoms. The sickness, the tiredness, the moodiness. Everything has started out just as it should be. We were even lucky enough to get to see the little bean on ultrasound this week, and that little heartbeat? Oh, it was the sweetest sound. Ever.

I feel so blessed to have been given another chance at motherhood.
I feel with all of my heart that this time? Everything really is going to be okay.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Is watching my favorite boy and his cute little team kick some butt on the football field (while capturing it all with my camera.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


THIS SHOW has to be the coolest (and newest) one on MTV right now.
[Oh and Sarah? If you haven't already checked this one out, you MUST.]
It's pure awesome-ness.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The pest.

Our cat lives to drive me crazy, I swear.
Her newest thing is lying on my feet at night while I sleep (or should I say while I try to sleep.)
We have a king-size bed so there is plenty of room for her to lay somewhere else.
I will move her at least 3 times a night, but minutes later - she's back.
Lee likes to think it's cute. Me? Well, I'd like to drop-kick her.

She also likes to wake me up at 6 EVERY morning by meowing as annoyingly as possible right in my face.
Oh, and she's smart... really smart for a furry feline.
If I try to ignore her, she then jumps on the piano and walks slowly back and forth on the keys until I jump out of my bed in a rage, and finally feed her.

... and here I thought the dog was the biggest pain in my ass.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I can't believe myself. I havent blogged in almost 2 weeks.
Now, it's not that I haven't had things to say. When do I not? It's just that I've been too busy [slash] lazy to actually do it. I know, I know... shame on me.

School started last week and I was a little flustered to see that the teachers I wanted the kids to get weren't the actual ones they ended up with. I have this issue with having no control over certain things. Yeah, I don't really like it - but Kaylee and Layton both like who they have (so far) and are both excited about the new year. I plan on embracing every minute for the simple fact that my baby girl will be heading to middle school next year and I am so not ready for that event.

Football season for Layton is also in full swing. Practices started over a month ago but his first official game was last Saturday against Corvallis. Yep, they killed us.
I am more than excited for his upcoming games. There is nothing cuter than a bunch of little boys in miniature football gear out on the field running each other over. It's pretty adorable. I am also really happy with our new team and the families. We have some pretty awesome ones.

Kaylee and I attended our first concert together [Taylor Swift] with Grandma Karen, Steph and the girls last week. It was a great experience. I loved watching her reaction and excitement while she took it all in. It was a night I won't forget. (Although I do worry about her having super high expectations from now on when it comes to going to concerts with me - this show was like no other.) I can just see her now, bored out of her mind in the years to come. I tried to tell her that not all concerts come with fireworks, dancers, huge stages, costume changes, acrobats, and things flying out over the audience. Her response was: "Really? Oh, well why not?"

I made myself proud after pulling off my largest photo shoot to date. I delivered the finished product to my clients and have very happy customers. It was a huge achievement in my book since it was my biggest challenge so far. (I have this little problem with doughting my abilities. I wish I could beileve in my talent as much as my husband does.) Oh, well... maybe that just comes with time.

The 10 year anniversary of 9/11 came and went and brought up many emotions for me. It took me back to the actual day and all the feelings that I was feeling that morning. We spent some of the day talking about it with the kids, but I avoided the T.V. the entire day because it's just too depressing for me to watch all over. It's like I re-live it everytime I see a documentry and I don't like those feelings. I will never forget that day, the lives that were lost, or the lives we continue to lose. It will forever be one of the saddest days of my life.

I've been in the mood to clean, clean, clean in the last few weeks. With the kids back in school, I feel like I need to organize my house. I keep saying I will do an 'area a day' but haven't actually done anything yet. Due to being overly tired and out of energy as of lately, I am thinking it may have to wait a little longer. Laying on my couch during the day watching TLC is wayyyy more fun.

We ended the hot week with a little BBQ down at the pool last weekend. We had a few friends and some family join us to end off the summer right and it was nice. I even noticed today on the way home from the store that the leaves are starting to slowly change color on some of the trees. It got me kinda excited for Fall. I'm ready for cooler weather, cute sweaters, Halloween, and taking pictures... LOTS of pretty pictures of the new season.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I have been noticing more lately at just how much my little man is growing up.
Makes me sad, happy, and proud all at the same time.

I love the fact that he's a big 'mama's boy' and I secretly hope that he always will be.
He wants to hang out with me all the time. Whether it be cuddling and watching T.V., going grocery shopping with me when everyone else bails, wanting to sit by me at the dinner table or just hugging me randomly throughout the day - he naturally gravitates towards me and I will miss it when he's grown.

We spent over 30 minutes the other day talking about football, going back to school, and his favorite video games. I love watching his expressions as he explains things and his cute little chuckle when he thinks he's hilarious.

He has been the non-stop talker around here all of a sudden and I have wondered a few times - when did he trade places with Kaylee?

He's constantly talking about the latest You-tube video, or reciting every word to every song on his MP3 player.

The other night he even helped me put groceries away, the whole time telling me all about his latest bike tricks, and the fact that he really hopes that santa brings him a skateboard and Ipod touch for Christmas this year. [What? The kid can dream.]

I just sit back and take it all in, thinking the entire time at how amazed I am by him and the little gentleman that he is turning out to be.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The last week or so has been crazy around here.
Between football, getting ready for back-to-school, editing pictures like a mad woman and our end-of summer trip last week, I have had little time for blogging. [Sad face.]

Happy to announce though that things are winding down - just a bit.
We are close to being finished with shopping for the kids, (can't believe they head back next week) football practices for Layton are in full swing and the kid has the bruises [and cleat marks on his chest to prove it.]
I am finished with the pictures of my last (and largest) session at the beach a few weeks ago - might I add? I am UBER-PROUD of them, and our trip to Baker City to visit the Birminghams was a blast.

I must admit, I was a little worried about making the 6 hour trip. I figured that being couped up with the kids (and the husband) for that long would drive me nuts. Wrong. We just cranked up 80's music and enjoyed the drive.

While there, we BBQ'd, spent time at the lake on the jet-ski's, had amazing pizza, got a tour of the cute little "Sliverton-type" town they live in, took the girlies to the salon for bright hair and feather exstensions, played tons of boardgames (which I must say - was the most humorous part of our stay) and Jhonna and I even sneaked away one evening by ourselves to share cheese fondue and a bottle of wine. Holy batman - it was killer,

All-in-all, it was a great time and I miss them already.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This crazy thing called technology.

I actually asked myself the other day after 'reserving' a movie through redbox for pick up: "how did we ever get by before smartphones?

I find it both amazing, and ridiculous at the amount of things that we can do with our phones these days.

We can surf the web, check our status on facebook, rent a movie, play games, order anything that we can find on-line. We can download music, download videos, record our own and post them to youtube, order a pizza and have it delivered (without even speaking to a live person.) We can pay our bills, navigate our cars, scan barcodes at grocery stores, and this is just a small portion of what they are used for.

Am I the only one who finds this craz-y?

I remember rotary phones, payphones, the first cell phone that my mom ever had, [It weighed about 10 lbs, and was as big as a shoe] and phone books! (Okay wait. Do they even make those anymore?)
Geez, have we come far or what.

I can't even imagine what it will be like 10 years from now, but I guess It's just another tool created to help us citizens become even more lazy in our everyday lives.
Call me guilty though - because I do love mine!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reason enough to do my happy dance.

What makes me literally jump up and down, flap my arms, shake my butt and and scream like a little kid in pure excitement? Um...Fruit Ninga!

I have spent weeks playing it on my phone and I could barely contain myself when I discovered that it is now available on the XBOX. [Oh, it was a happy day.]

Laugh at me if you want to. That game just rocks.

The battle has begun here in the Frakes' house... and my poor aching arms keep reminding me of it.