Saturday, June 22, 2013


Spending almost 3 hours stuck on the side of the interstate, as vehicles fly by going 65+ mph, while your one year old screams her head off (until she finally fell asleep) is not my idea of a fun Saturday afternoon.

Looks like my gas tank will be staying at half (or above) for the rest of my life.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Call me crafty?

Planning Ava's 1st birthday party got me way in touch with my crafty side. I always thought that I lacked in the 'creative making' department, but lately I have been proving myself wrong.

Pinterest has me hooked on trying a handful of projects around the house. Making a letter/picture collage for the living room wall was my first shot at it, and I actually did okay... AND (wait for it....) ENJOYED it.

I have a few left to try. Plus, a huge list of ideas for Ava's toddler room when the time comes. CAN'T WAIT to try some of those.

I would have never guessed that I would be able to something that took such time and patience. Hmm, surprise, surprise.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Around here.

Summer is here. The kids are out of school and the sun stays out until almost 9. I'm a happy girl.

Lee has been working like crazy on home improvements outside and I've been trying to get the inside of the house organized. He has put up a shed in the back for storage, plans on pulling out all of our ugly bushes around the side yard and covering the area with bark dust. He has gravel in mounds out front to fill in the potholes of the driveway and we will be painting the outside soon. I'm excited to see it all come together.

Kaylee kicked some major ass at her championship over the weekend. She worked so hard to get ready for it and then proved that she had what it takes by placing 1st! She never lets nerves get the best of her and I must say that watching her beat up boys never gets old.

I had my tattoo worked on last week and love the results. I have about three more sessions to go and can't wait to see it finished. I really hate how addicting getting ink is though, I'm already thinking about what I want for my next one. Will I ever get enough? Oh, probably not.

We have been spending a lot of time at the pool (except for today and yesterday, since it's been pouring) and Ava loves the water. The baby pool is her favorite because she gets to act like she owns it. She isn't fond of my hanging onto her arm constantly so I just stay within arms reach. She has dunked herself about three times by tripping but it doesn't phase her. I tell you, the kid has no fear. She's even starting to dunk her head and face on purpose just to pop back up and laugh. She thinks she's a fish, just like the other two.

Speaking of Ava, she is a crack up. In the last few weeks she has learned what a garbage can is and loves to throw everything away. She has also discovered the toilet paper roll and loves to vandalize the bathroom with it while I try to get ready in the mornings. She no longer walks but instead RUNS, and has a new favorite word: hot. Anytime I use the toaster or open the dryer she will barrel into the room saying "Hot! Hot! Mama? Hot?" I love watching her learn new things. Although, the fits she has started throwing? Yeah, I'm not a fan of those.

Took the kids to get some pictures for fathers day... here are a few of my faves:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Teaching an old dog new tricks.

We bought an entire new living room set last week. Super excited about it! We got new couches, a cute sitting chair, new end tables and an (all wood) TV stand. I am so stoked about getting rid of our glass one. Cleaning that thing is torture.

Everything should be delivered in about 6 weeks which means we have exactly that long to train Bentlee to stay off the furniture.

He has been doing amazingly well with the transition. I find myself feeling guilty though, since it was my idea to let him sleep wherever he wanted when he was a puppy.

Every time, I get a what-did-I-do-wrong? look from him, I kinda feel bad. I also feel bad for him when Ava tries to steal his space. This dog would probably tell us off if only he could talk.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Girl time.

Ava got to hang out with Kaylee in her room last week and she enjoyed every second of it.

Kaylee was cleaning and Ava was screaming at her from the gate down the hall. Finally, after 5 minutes of nonstop baby shrieks, Kaylee took her.

They swept the floor, danced to music from the iPod and fed the turtle together.

It was a super sweet moment for me. Especially because I have always worried so much about having my girls 11 years apart - wondering if they would grow up being close. So far, its proving to be exactly how I hoped it would be. Kaylee is such a great big sister and Ava is so mesmerized by her.

I realize that they won't be best friends, but just knowing that they have a special bond like this makes me feel more than blessed.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A day at the park.

Call me a bad parent, but last weekend was Ava's first trip to the park.

She loved it.

She liked the swings, hated the slide, enjoyed the teeter totter but running free with no restrictions, was her favorite.