Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cabin fever.

Thanksgiving every other year is celebrated at a cute and cozy little cabin up Northfork Road.

It's a family tradition and so far has made many memories for our family.
This year was no different, and we had such a great time.

There was lots of food, lots of stories, lots of laughs, and ALOT of noise.

There is just something about cramming tons of people in a tight space with no cable and plenty of board games, letting the kids run wild, and staying up as late as you like.

It was nothing short of awesome.

[[Oh, and that picture above? Most people would just shake their heads. But, us? We laugh.]]

Monday, November 21, 2011


That's been us this week.

Layton got the crap-end of the stick this time coming down with it first.
Strep throat AND scarlet fever.
Poor boy. It started last Monday and he still has a low grade fever - an entire week later.
I've never seen him so sick. Broke this mamas heart, that's for sure.

Lee and I were lucky enough to catch the strep throat (fun, fun.)
We got started on antibiotics yesterday and I must say I am already starting to feel better.
Him however? Well, he's miserable. He has a sinus and chest congestion thing going on too.
[Yes, men can be total babies when they are sick, this I know but, I actually feel a little bad for him this time around.] He's looking a little rough.

Kaylee so far is showing no signs but, knowing our luck hers will hit Thansgiving morning or something.
So crossing my fingers that isn't the case. I may just cry. Okay, scratch that - I WILL cry.

Friday, November 18, 2011


He's the BEST (yes, even when he won't cooperate for a picture.)
I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone else, so happy anniversary to my handsome husband.
I love you more than gummy bears - and right now? That's saying a lot.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The on-looker.

We have a house being built across the street from us and Bentlee is totally obsessed with sitting by the window and watching them work.
I timed him the other day: 37 minutes sitting in this position.
Oh, to know what he's thinking...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Goodbye waistline.

I am starting to look pregnant and not like I just ate too much for lunch. [Yay. FINALLY.]
This has to be one of the most exciting moments for me - a constant reminder that there is actually a little 'baby in there.'
It's time to tuck away my old clothes and go shopping for cute maternity tops and more bella bands instead [because THESE THINGS?  are the best invention EVER.]
I'm saying goodbye to my somewhat flat tummy and HELLO to my new baby bump.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Because "mullets" are not okay.

I decided to grow my hair out 6 months ago and am shocked that it's actually been that long and I haven't gave in to my many urges to chop it.

I've done pretty good, but recently I noticed that the back was getting MUCH longer than the sides.
It was beginnig to resemble a mullet and no, I'm not kidding.

I went in for a trim today to make it all "even" and actually lost more length than I was wanting to (ugh, all that hard work for nothing) but it does look so much better.

Who knew that this process would be such a long and frustrating one.
Hopefully in the end - it will be worth it.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Civil war.

We played against the other Keizer team today - the BLUE Celtics.
It was cold, wet, rainy, and muddy.
Just the way a good football game should be.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


These two have had a bond like no other since day one.
Every week there is almost always an 'awww' moment shared between them.
This week it was this one:

Layton was all comfy on the couch when Bentlee decided he wanted to snuggle.
Layton just looks over his shoulder with a chuckle and says: " I love you too buddy".
Yep, pure CUTENESS right there.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This year I helped Kaylee with her costume and Lee was in charge of hooking Layton up with his.
She looked hilarious and rocked it - nerd style:

Layton looked fa-reaky (which is EXACTLY what the boys were going for):

I have to admit, I wasn't big on the whole 'blood and brains' theme, however I can't deny that Lee did do a killer job on his costume and make-up.