Sunday, October 5, 2014

Oh, having a toddler...

I knew going into toddler-hood with Ava, that it was going to be a challenge. I remember with the older two, that it wasn't always fun. However, I totally forgot how NOT FUN certain moments can be.

The stubbornness, ohhhhh the stubbornness. Ava is the most independent,  stubborn, and whiney child of them all and I find most days to be completely exhausting with her. I don't know if my age is a factor? Having had Kaylee and Layton at 19 and 22, but for some reason I find myself fighting the urge to lose it on a daily basis.

"I help you mama!" I hear this term all day, every day. And although I don't mind the help sometimes,  it's the things she wants to help with that drive me insane. Flushing the toilet, oh boy - that's a big one. She has to flush the toilet ALL. THE. TIME. If she doesn't?  She will scream at the top of her lungs. She also must push the start button on the dryer. I am no longer allowed. Pouring her juice, changing the channel on the tv, starting her shower.... The list goes on. The newest interest, is cooking with me. She has started to pull her little chair to the counter and try to climb on the stove. She learned real quick that that is a no-no.

Even with the hard, frustrating, and trying times with her being a toddler though, on the flip-side: this kid is full of awesome.

I can't believe how one little person can make me crazy one minute and completely happy and proud the next. She is seriously SO. MUCH. FUN.

Right at this very moment, she is belting out "let it go" into her Minnie Mouse microphone wearing just her panties and my high heels. I just said to her "that sounds so pretty Ava." She replies "oh, tanks mommy. Yo turn!" 

She may be full of sass, but she's also completely perfect and I cherish these moments with her - both the good and the not-so-enjoyable ones.

Yesterday, she hopped up on my lap, grabbed my face and said "look at me mommy!" When I did, she said "I love you" then, she kissed my nose.

Those moments. Those are the ones that make this crazy ride called motherhood, so completely worth it.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Baby has a new grin.

Ava fell and chipped her tooth in February and we finally got it fixed last week. She had to be put under for the procedure but she did amazing.

She was wheeled back to the operating room in a stylish red wagon and the nurses just loved her.

After she woke up, she got pretty sick and spent the day groggy. But, after a few hours she bounced back to being her normal stubborn and crazy self.

I'm so happy it's over and even more happy with the results. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Back in the groove.

The big kids are back to school after a busy summer off.

I will admit, it's nice to be back on a schedule.  I picked up a part time job for the months they had off (on top of my photography business) so that was starting to wear on me.  It's been kind of refreshing being home again and not having somewhere else to be every other morning.

This morning has been productive. While Ava watched one episode of her favorite show, I was able to start the laundry, prep dinner for tonight, load the dishwasher and make beds. The plan is to get caught up on edits, when (and if) she naps later today. She's been fighting me lately, on that. Apparently,  in her opinion, she doesn't need to nap anymore. Most days result in a fit-fest for her and a pounding headache for me. That's something that needs to be worked on.

But, right now she's snuggled up next to me, being good and being cute. So, I will enjoy these brief moments of peace while they last.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Whoa, holy summer.

It's finally here folks and it's been HOT.

We are surviving it by swimming daily and keeping the freezer stocked full of popcicles.

Yeah,  you won't hear us complaining.

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's a crazy, busy life.

I always wonder around this time of year WHY we had to have our kids' birthdays within weeks of each other.

I have been in party planning mode for months with two down and just one to go.

We did friend parties at home for Kaylee and Layton but I decided that there is just no way we are fitting all of our friends and family in our little house when we celebrate Ava. So, hers will have to be held elsewhere.

It also amazes me how much she gets it this year. I bought her a dress and matching headband to wear to her party and whenever she sees it hanging in her closet she will excitedly say, "A-yuhh? (That's what she calls herself) Happy burfday!?"

I ordered her invitations online this morning and she happily sat on my lap repeatedly saying "A-yuh, burfday! Cake!!"

She really is looking forward to it, and I am too. Especially,  the being done part.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New obsessions.

I have recently discovered local consignment pages on Facebook and I am totally hooked.

As if my thrift shopping hobby wasn't bad enough - now I can just do it from home.

I can't believe the deals that I find and selling my stuff is so, so easy. You just post, and they pick up.

I have found Ava a million new outfits,  and new toys. Plus, picked up Kaylee and myself, new clothes. I scored the cutest camera necklace (that I only paid $5 for) and also found a practically brand-new water table for Avas birthday present for next to nothing.

I'm finding it as an easy way to bring in a little extra money too.

I almost get a high from it, and am always searching around the house for more stuff to sell. I think its even helping my issue of hanging onto items for years.  I'm slowly cleaning out my closet and my house is becoming less cluttered.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Little Miss Independent.

It is apparent that I almost have a 2 year old in my house.

She is a ball of energy and she likes things done her way.

She has started to insist on eating at the table instead if in her high chair. She no longer likes me to help her brush her teeth and today at the carousel,  she made me stand next to her but I wasn't allowed to hang on to her this time.

Her stubbornness is even worse and her patience? Oh, she doesn't have a shred of it.

The terrible twos arrive a little early, maybe?  I'm guessing so.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

We're baaaaaaacck!

Okay, I have ignored my blog long enough.  New (and more frequent) posts are coming soon!

Spring is here and that has me excited! It's been so nice out lately and it's staying lighter later. We love hanging outside and exploring. It's got me pretty stoked for Summer...

Monday, February 3, 2014

[Photo] Update.

In the past few months, I have noticed that blogging is starting to take the back burner to my everyday priorities.

With kids, work, a husband and a busy life, I hardly find time for it anymore.

Instagram and Facebook are usually how I keep people in the know of what's going on around here.

Updates on the blog are far and few in between but I'm hoping to make more time for it.

For now, here is an update in pictures:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Potty time.

Happy to report that Miss Ava is almost potty trained.

Just in the last few days she has been waking up dry and has been asking to go potty whenever she needs to. Today, we have had no accidents so far.

We need to work on pooping in the potty though. She will tell me she has to go, and then freak out when she sits down. Layton was the same way. It took us awhile with him and I am thinking the same will go for her.

Super excited for her - she just beams with pride every time she goes like a big girl.

She also enjoys cheering for me whenever I go now... ha! She is so supportive.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The binkie battle.

There has been a lot less sleep being had in the Frakes' house for the last week.

I took the pacifier away from Ava right after Christmas and man, it has been a struggle.

I had been phasing it out for a few weeks and she was doing so well with only having it when she would sleep.  She had even gotten used to having her lovey without it. She has always had to have both. So, as soon as that happened, I figured pulling it completely would be easier since she still had her 'baby' to comfort her. We cut it in half and offered it to her. She was pissed.

The first attempt at naptime was awful, bedtime the first night was 10x worse. The next day, she went right to sleep for her nap, but screamed for almost 2 hours at bedtime and then woke up 3 times during the night. Since then, she is refusing naps and sleeping like a newborn again.

I feel like a zombie this morning.

I have read online that sometimes kids will have a sleep regression after taking away the binkie. I think that is pretty spot on. We are there.

I refuse to give it back, so we will just roll with the punches and pray that it's short lived.

Every transition so far with her has been super easy. The toddler bed,  potty training,  the time out chair. I figured the pacifier would be the doozy, and boy was I right.