Sunday, February 28, 2010

He's LOVIN' the SUN.

Bentlee has prefered to be outside this weekend.
The nice weather has made him NOT want to come in.
We played fetch with him today for almost an hour.
(The boy LOVES fetch.)
Took this this picture today, and it CRACKS me up.
It totally looks like he's saying:
"C'MON, can you put that thing down and play with me lady?"
Ha~Ha! I just love my boy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Grandpa STAYS for the DAY.

We spent the whole day with Lester.
1st: A few AWESOME games of racquetball, a YUMMY lunch at WBC, and a visit to show him the "project" Lee's been working on.
(For the RECORD. Karen? I told Lee that maybe we should wait to show you too.)
I had a feeling that this MIGHT be an issue. :]
Anyhoo, You're NEXT... I Promise.
The kids were excited to see him in the
front seat when we picked them up at school.
He stayed and had BLT's with us for dinner,
tried Lee's famous "Orange Cream-Cicle" shake,
(He LOVED it by the way.)
and we even squeezed in a GREAT movie.
It was just a nice kick-back day.
I think he enjoyed it as much as we did, because he left with a smile.
And, today just reminded me, ONCE again:
Yep. I have a pretty AMAZING father for an in-law. :]

Thursday, February 25, 2010


So, I hate my dress code at work. NO jeans.
Any color pants... but NO JEANS. GRRR.
I hate pants. Therefore I only own 3 pairs for work, and I HATE shopping for new ones.
For the last couple of months I have been noticing ALL of them becoming very worn.
While slipping on my cords the other morning I disovered a little hole up by one of the belt loops.
At that moment I even thought to myself:"Dang, I NEED to go shopping soon."
I chose to wear them anyway because my hoodie covered the small hole, and I figured no one would see it. Anyhoo, I get to work at 7AM, and I'm walking in the front door when my
manager says: "Um, Heather? You have a hole in your pants."
I reply: "Yeah, I know."
He says: (Uncomfortably) "You know?"
I said: "Yeeeaaaaah."
He replies: "Okay." Shrugs his shoulders, and drops it.
All morning I was asking myself, how did he even see it?
I was honestly a little emabrrased.
He wound up going home sick.
On my break, at around 10:30AM, I was washing my hands
in the bathroom and turned around to "adjust" my clothes, and I almost PASSED OUT!
There it was, a huge SPLIT.IN.THE.ASS.OF.MY.PANTS.
How I missed it?
I have NO CLUE.
Why he didn't tell me to go home and change?
I have NO CLUE.
But, yeah, my entire left butt cheek: EXPOSED.
Yep. It's safe to say : I wanted to DIE.
Of course, days later THIS has become the most popular story at work, and I must admit: it IS pretty HILARIOUS!
But, I was NOT laughing that day.
Lee made a good point, (After laughing so hard I thought he was going to cry.)
"Well, at least you have a "most embarrasing" story to tell now."
Um, yeah, I guess that's true.
But, My BOSS saw my BUTT.
JOHN, saw my BUTT!
Eeew... GROSS.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

He's gettin' BRAVE.

So, Bentlee's latest thing to do is:
Bark at the cat non-stop when she's ANYWHERE near him.
He used to avoid her at ALL costs.
I think it's safe to say that he's no longer scared of her.
He must have figured out that he's way bigger or something.
I don't know... just hoping it doesn't end in disaster.

Monday, February 22, 2010

BRILLIANT invention!

Layton told me this morning that he was going to draw me a "pretty picture."
I saw him come out of his room with his paper, pens and crayons and climb up to the table.
20 minutes later, he brings me his art work, that clearly states: "I love my mommy" with red hearts.
I was in the middle of praising him for doing such a great job when all of a sudden, I inhaled THAT smell.
You know... that SHARPIE smell.

Me: "Lay? Did you use a sharpie on Mommy's picture?"
Layton: "Yeah. (Smile on his face) I couldn't find MY black marker, so I borrowed yours."

I walk into the kitchen to find an exact replica of my adorable picture, ON MY KITCHEN TABLE!
I'll admit.I freaked.
Then, Lee had a light-bulb moment: Magic eraser.

Let me just say:
Whoever invented that thing is an absolute GENIUS!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hard workin' little-man.

Layton got a chance to help Dad on the house today.
He's been begging for weeks now.
I went to take them dinner and pick Layton up
and realized I forgot my camera.
I was totally annoyed with myself.
I took some with my phone.
They didn't turn out great,
 But, it captured the moment.

Lee said he did great.
Layton plastered walls by himself, and sanded certain areas.
They took a couple breaks, and even walked to the hardware store.
Layton couldn't stop talking about it, the WHOLE car ride home.
It was pretty adorable. I don't know who enjoyed it more. Layton, or Lee.
Awww.... I just LOVE those boys.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yeah, that place just SUCKS.

So, last night Becca and I went to Wal-Mart.
Sidenote: I can't STAND that place, and normally choose Target over them ANY DAY.
But, yesterday we were on that side of town and thought that they would be the best place to go for the birthday gift we were buying.
We were shopping in the toy department and there was an item in the wrong place.
We werent sure of the price, and couldn't find one of the self-scanners.
I wasn't even sure if they had them.
So, as soon as I saw an associate.
I stopped her for her help.

Me: "Excuse me? Do you guys have those self scanners?"
Her: "I can't help you. I'm not clocked in."
Me: Ok? I don't need you to show me, just wondering if you have them in the store?"
Her: "Sorry."
Me: " Um... ok?"
Her: "I don't even know, I can't help you."
Then she runs off like she's headed to a fire.

I was so frusterated.
Do these people NOT know what customer service is?
I really don't care that you're not clocked in... answer my question, and get a PERSONALITY, oh, and DROP the attitude.
That would be GREAT.
I have worked in retail for over 10 years and I would NEVER treat a customer like that.
Even if I was  totally inconvenienced.
I'm representing a business here. HELLO.
I can't count the times that I have been on a break, on the floor with my name tag still on, and someone has stopped me with a question.
I've even had to hang up my phone to help them, and I have NEVER EVER denied them quality customer service because I was off the clock.
It would have taken her a minute to help me... if that.
I was almost dumb-founded by her response.
So, there you have it. Wal-mart does it again.
I give them another chance, and they just piss me off.
Well, BITE ME Wal-mart.
Target is better than you anyway.
I should have went there in the first place, payed a little more, and saved myself the FRUSTRATION.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Uh-Oh. Something ELSE to "collect."

Ok. So as most of you know I have a little
OBSESSION with big earings, cute undies, and knit hats.
It seems as though I find something I like,
then start "collecting" TONS of different styles.
Lee teases me about it. (But, I know deep-down he thinks it's adorable.)
Anyhoo.The other day I was browsing at Target,
and came accross a huge display of  BIG bracelets, and long necklaces,
and BAM! I was in LOVE.

25047 Pictures, Images and Photos

Some where BRIGHT.

21096 Pictures, Images and Photos

Some where FUNKY.

26686MULTI Pictures, Images and Photos

 All of them where AWESOME.

26679DKMULTI Pictures, Images and Photos

I really DON'T know what took me so long to discover them.
What I DO know, is now that I have...

necklaces Pictures, Images and Photos

I'll be adding an ENTIRE assortment of them to my
"collection" of OBSESSIONS.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3 weeks on diet soda... and I'm still alive?

Anyone who knows "Heather" knows she HATES diet.
A few weeks ago. I told Lee.
"I'm done."
Switched to diet the next day.
(STRUGGLED for about a week.)
But, now? I'm 3 lbs lighter, and PROUD of myself.
I must say that I still don't like it as much as I wish I did, but actually find THAT to be a good thing.
I barely drink soda now, and my water in-take has increased.
It's a good thing. All around.
So, yeah...
Who would have actually thought I could do it STICK with it?
Um... NOT me.
I guess this calls for a "pat on the back."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's LOVE day.

Well, it's Valentines day.
The day that is meant to CELEBRATE love.
Now, honestly. I don't really go crazy over V-day.
Never have.
People sometimes think
that something must be wrong with me.
But, to me It's just another day.
I really don't get the whole
 "showering" someone with gifts,
blah, blah, blah...
but, I DO understand the POINT.
Showing your loved one,
that you love them,
and that you appreciate them.
I get that.
Now, I'm not knocking people
 who get carried away with it...
just saying: It's not for me.
 Lee and I will spend today
like we spend EVERY Valentines Day.
Lunch, a movie, and a night in.
Sweet & simple.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Um. We may have a problem.

Bentlee has adjusted well to our family,
and we love him so much.
He's a smart dog.
He can sit,
(almost "shake.")
He listens when we tell him to be quiet,
 or to go to his bed &
He's FINALLY house-trained.
But, there is ONE thing.
 we cannot, and I mean
 break him from getting on the couch.
I'm about ready to lose my mind.
Now, I know what you're thinking:
It's MY own fault.
Yeah, yeah... I KNOW.
But, still.
It sucks.
We continue to spank him,
and kennel him when he does it,
but as soon as the lights are off , the T.V.
 is on, and I'm cuddled with my blanket.
There he is:
Right beside me, whining.
Then, before I know it. He's ON me,
and burrowing his GROWING body
between the couch and me.
So, we say "no" to him, spank him, and kennel him... AGAIN.
 But, STILL have a "re-peat"
the next time.
He's worse than a child.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines: FINISHED.

Spent this evening with the kiddo's working
on Valentines for school.
I was shocked that Layton enjoyed it so much.
I thought he'd get sick of it, and quick.
But, nope.
I was wrong.

They both had a blast,
and now we're done.
It was a win-win.

It's simple. I wanted to SMACK her.

Ok. So as most of you know.
I am a sucker for reality T.V.
I usually LOVE The Bachelor...
but this season?
All I have to say is:
One of my "favorites" drove me
TOTALLY CRAZY last night.
I was ready to just shut it off,
and boycott it all together.
A little bit of drama is ok,
This is getting ridiculous.
That girl needs to get ahold of herself...
 (or just go BACK to acting school.)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

BIG day in football.

In honor: I'm making HOT wings and low-fat potato salad.
(I must admit I'm a little nervous about that.)
Hopefully it doesn't "taste" low-fat.
I've been cooking all morning, and headed
 out soon to pick up kiddo's from Grandpa and Grandma's.
Looking forward to SCREAMING, and cheering like a total MANIAC
with my AWESOME husband.
Kick-off 's at 3:30.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hell, I've earned it.

The last month has been strictly HEALTHY food, and I've been SO good about following it.
For some reason though, I woke up this morning craving those AMAZING onion rings from WBC.
Hmmm.... to give in, or not to give in?
Yep... I think I'm going to have to CAVE.
A girl working this hard deserves a little "treat" every once and awhile. Right?

Friday, February 5, 2010

I'll probably ALWAYS be this way.

So, the other night Lee was teasing me about a silly "quirk" of mine.
(I have many, for all of you who don't know.)
I was lying in bed last night, and you guessed it.
I was having a hard time falling to sleep.
I started listing all my interesting "ways"
in my head, and realized something:
I'm kinda weird.
Lee always says that he truly believes
that I suffer from OCD on certain issues,
And I'm finally realizing:
The guy may be right.
I also came to the realization that
this is also just who I am.
(And, I kinda like ME.)
- I have to wear socks to bed every night. Otherwise my feet FREEZE.
- Before I drink milk or have it on my cereal, it has to be
 in the freezer for 10 minutes so it's super COLD.
- Sometimes I go to the movies JUST for the popcorn.
- I have a crazy obsession (and collection)
of cute undies, big earrings, and knit hats.
- I wear heels EVERY single day.
- I can't stand RUDE people.
- After tucking my kids in for the night, I "check" on them at least
 5 times for a "re-tuck" and more kisses while they sleep.
- I can't sit down and relax for the night until my kitchen is CLEAN.
- I check to make sure my doors are locked at least 10 times a night.
(If I don't, I just know someone is going to come in, and KILL me.)
-I could NEVER get tired of watching Dirty Dancing.
I still think it's the best movie EVER.
- I'm CRAZY in love with my camera.
- I LOVE to crank the music in my car, and sing at the
top of my lungs like no one else is with me.
(My kids even beg me to stop sometimes.)
- For some reason, most people think
I'm stuck-up when they first meet me.
- Honestly, this bothers me more than most people know.
- I'm a SUCKER for thrift-shopping, and
I get an actual RUSH when I find a great deal.
- I KNOW that I have the BEST-est friends in the entire WORLD!
- I love CHEAP sunglasses.
- PINK is my favorite color.
- I thank GOD everyday for the blessings in my life.
- I'm super PICKY about the movies I'll watch.
(Drives the hubby.... CRAZY!)
- I WON'T wear shorts.
- I have a LOVE for "artwork"... on my skin.
(Who knows how many tattoos I'll end up with?)
- I STILL think that Lee is the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on.
- I DWELL on my past, more than I should,
But I've learned that talking about it
 DOES make me feel a little better.
- I DON'T like sweets,
but, I CRAVE pizza and cheeseburgers almost daily.
- Sometimes, I like to just get in the car and... DRIVE.
- I LOVE my kids so much it HURTS.
- I still don't understand why I have to be SHORT.
- I love trying new recipes, and
WOW-ing my family with my MAD skills.
- If I could AFFORD plastic surgery, I'd get calf implants.
(I know most people are probably
 scratching there heads right now.)
- Riding quads is one of my FAVORITE things to do.
- I feel so FORTUNATE to have married
into such an amazing family.
- I FEAR that when a giant tsunami
hits the Oregon coast... I'll be there.
- I should be BANNED from using Google when I'm not feeling good.
- I LOVE my dog even more than I ever thought I would.
- I'm OBSESSED with the hand soap from Bath & Body works.
- It drives me CRAZY when people don't
put new toilet paper on the roll.
- The SUNSHINE can usually make my bad mood just disappear.
- I HATE math.
- I LOVE to read.
- I Can't STAND drivers that don't "wave"
when I let them out in front of me.
- I LOVE the fact that I still get butterflies
in my stomach when Lee holds my hand.
- I CRY about the stupidest things on T.V.
- I'm OBSESSED with reality shows.
- I'm PROUD of my kids, and who they are.
- I LOVE the beach.
- My adorable nieces make me SMILE.
- I MISS the care-free feeling of being a kid.
- I LAUGH at the stupidest things.
And, my "PLAN" is to LIVE until I'm a HUNDRED years old.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

NASTY... I know.

Yep. This is my ankle after twisting it today
 during my workout.
It looks like I will be sitting on the sidelines for the next few days.
NOT a happy-camper about that
but, oh well.
Whatchya gonna do?
off I go to the couch...
 with my pillow and frozen bag of peas.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The ONE month-mark.

Well, it has been 1 month today
since we started our "healthier-living-lifestyle."
I weighed in this morning and my
total loss for the last 31 days is...7 lbs.
I have to say that, I am pleased.
Also happy to report that the hubby has lost:
(drum-roll please.)
12 lbs!
Super PROUD of that guy.
We knew going into this
 that major results weren't going to be overnight.
We know it takes hard work, and time.
This is why, I think that our loss' are healthy ones,
and I'm really looking forward to another month of it.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Um... Of course he is.
He's 3 months old, almost 20 lbs,
and the kids still love to carry him around most of the time.
He's never denied a treat,
always has someone to play with,
and gets to sleep on the couch whenever he wants.
(THIS will most likely NOT be lasting much longer.)
He gets "loves" 24/7,
has more toys than most children,
and enjoys riding in the backseat with his 2 favorite people
any chance he can get.

 I'm sure he thinks on a daily basis:
Yep. My family ROCKS.