Friday, October 30, 2009

WHO does she get this from?

So, I had to stand on a "step-stool" this morning to do my daughters hair.
Yep. I was doing 2 twists on top of her head, and I just couldn't get them right...Sigh.
I had to grab Layton's little stool that he stands on to brush his teeth.
Kaylee just looked at me, and giggled.
I swear... she's going to be taller than me by the 4th grade!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hot cocoa & kisses

We came home tonight, and while picking up the kitchen I suggested to the kids:
"Hey, should we make hot chocolate?"
Well, you would have thought that I said we were going to DISNEYLAND!
My gosh, I haven't seen them THAT thrilled in awhile.
Glad to know that some of the simplest things in life, can mean the world in their eyes.
Grandma Lucky sent us an assortment of different flavored cocoa awhile back,
and tonight... we put it to good use.
They each picked out a flavor, and helped me make it.

To me, it was a PERFECT ending to a hectic day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ok, so I'm bragging.

Up late tonight...
Browsing through pictures about to make an order online for prints,
 and I come accross this one that I somehow skipped over.

Maybe it's just me...but dang, I have some CUTE kids.
♥ Giggle, Giggle ♥

(I had to steal that from Karen.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

If someone knocks on my door, I will LOSE it!

Lee's out of town tonight with his Dad.
Me? Oh, I'm fine... so far.
All the nightly duties are done.
I helped the kids with their homework, got them in PJ's, and snacks in their tummies.
I can handle all that.
But, in about 30 minutes, they are going to bed, and then? I'm going to be "home alone."
Not too excited about that since, I suffer from: "someone-is-going-to-break-into-my-house-and-kill-me" syndrome.
Oh, it's going to be a LONG night.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

He sould know this.

Ok. Lee and I have been married for almost 9 years.
I have to say that the guy knows me PRETTY well.
Why is it then, that he BUGS the CRAP out of me about watching every movie, that I just KNOW I will hate? Is it to drive me crazy? It must be.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am super picky about movies. I get bullied, and teased about it all the time but, if it's scary, futuristic, based in the olden days, or just a "silly stupid" comedy... I'm really not interested.
I know what you're probably thinking: I'm missing out. Right? Oh, well. :)
Lee has been BEGGING me to watch Year One. BEGGING! Well, Jack Black gets on my nerves.
I try to explain that it would be like ME making HIM shoe shop with me for 2 hours. TORTURE!
The funniest thing is that he's even started to try and "make deals" with me.
If I watch it, he'll watch The Proposal. (One I'm wanting to see.) If I don't? He won't.
Pleeeaaaasse... Doesn't he know, I'll just watch it without him? (Baahahahaha!)
He married me this way... He really can't complain now.
Poor guy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kids say the funniest things

Sometimes I just LOVE to "listen in" on conversations between my kids.
I find them not only interesting, but sometimes just down right funny.
Today was one of those days.
During lunch today, Kaylee and Layton were sitting at the table talking about Sunday school.
Just random stuff...
What they learned, who they sat by, the fact that both of their teachers were gone because they were sick.
After about a minute of silence, and them munching on their BLT's, Kaylee says: "Layton, did you know that God knows exactly how many hairs you have on your head?"
Layton responds: (Serious as can be) "Yep, and how many boogers I have in my nose."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Long time, no see.

About 3 months ago, Kaylee's sweet cat Roxy... just disapeared.
After about a week of heartache for my poor daughter, she finally accepted it.
Roxy was gone, and wasn't coming back.

Well, guess what?
Lee went out this morning, and there on our front step?
Roxy sat, waiting to be fed.
So, Kaylee has a surprise coming her way once she gets home from school today.
Although, we will have to prepare her for the worst, (In case she runs away again) All in all, I think she will pretty excited to be reunited with her furry little friend.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My kind of day.

So we spent some time with my parents today...
Doing one of the things that makes me the happiest!

We spent the entire day at the dunes, and it was wonderful.
We packed a lunch, and parked it on the beach.
The kids played, and the weather... oh the weather!
It couldn't have been better. I almost forgot it was October.

We had fun catching up with my family.
We've been spending more time with them, and the more we do it...
the more I enjoy it.

Days like these, take me back.
I miss the wind... the speed... the thrill...

...that feeling that my heart is pounding out of my chest.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The angels are singing.

Last Sunday was a very special one.

Kaylee asked Jesus into her heart.
It was a HAPPY day!