Saturday, January 11, 2014

Potty time.

Happy to report that Miss Ava is almost potty trained.

Just in the last few days she has been waking up dry and has been asking to go potty whenever she needs to. Today, we have had no accidents so far.

We need to work on pooping in the potty though. She will tell me she has to go, and then freak out when she sits down. Layton was the same way. It took us awhile with him and I am thinking the same will go for her.

Super excited for her - she just beams with pride every time she goes like a big girl.

She also enjoys cheering for me whenever I go now... ha! She is so supportive.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The binkie battle.

There has been a lot less sleep being had in the Frakes' house for the last week.

I took the pacifier away from Ava right after Christmas and man, it has been a struggle.

I had been phasing it out for a few weeks and she was doing so well with only having it when she would sleep.  She had even gotten used to having her lovey without it. She has always had to have both. So, as soon as that happened, I figured pulling it completely would be easier since she still had her 'baby' to comfort her. We cut it in half and offered it to her. She was pissed.

The first attempt at naptime was awful, bedtime the first night was 10x worse. The next day, she went right to sleep for her nap, but screamed for almost 2 hours at bedtime and then woke up 3 times during the night. Since then, she is refusing naps and sleeping like a newborn again.

I feel like a zombie this morning.

I have read online that sometimes kids will have a sleep regression after taking away the binkie. I think that is pretty spot on. We are there.

I refuse to give it back, so we will just roll with the punches and pray that it's short lived.

Every transition so far with her has been super easy. The toddler bed,  potty training,  the time out chair. I figured the pacifier would be the doozy, and boy was I right.