Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I ♥ this season...

There is that "chill" in the air again.
The weather is changing, as well as the trees,
 and my house is decorated for FALL!

Yeah, I'm feeling accomplished.

Starting to STRESS.

Christmas is only 12 WEEKS away!
Ok, so 3 months...
but, that's NOT very long.
I've already picked out our SUPER CUTE cards,
 and plan on designing them and ordering them SOON.
Fall pictures of the kids will take place as soon as we have a "dry" day,
and I have this plan to purchase a "gift a week."
(Really hoping that works out.)
I guess when I put it all out there like this...
it actually doesn't seem so bad.
(Maybe I worry too much?)
Ooooooooh, CHRISTMAS!
My FAVORITE Holiday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Whoa baby!

Well, our Monday got off to a good start with the arrival of our youngest niece.
We had the honor to watch little miss
Sydney today for a few hours.

We sang songs, played peek-a-boo, ate applesauce, and took lots of pictures.
Yes, I took pictures. :)
Most of them taken, has Sydney with the same look on her face.
Probably wondering who the "crazy lady with the camera is."

She was a good girl.
Didn't fuss one time. Played, ate, rubbed her eyes when she was tired,
then fell right to sleep.

Such a sweet baby.

Aaah, I want one.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The weekend.

This weekend was spent with the family.

Kaleb turned 4, with a PARTY at the Klassens!

Food, family, friends, and the TIRE SWING!

It was a good time.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is it tomorrow yet?

Today had been one of THOSE days.
I woke up with my head pounding.
Kaylee decided to "take her time" getting ready for school.
I got her there with barely enough time for her to get to her class.
She made it. Thank God.
I come home to tend to a messy kitchen.
I then discover that there is a mountain of laundry in my laundry room that WASN'T there yesterday.
I Start a load.
Make the kids' beds.
Try to talk to a husband that is 100% involved in a book.
He doesn't hear a THING I say.
Of course.
So, then I walk around the house picking up every stray toy that my children have left lying around.
I admit it.
I say a few choice words.
I'm human.
Becca then texts me wanting to go on our walk.
I turned her down... because I'm GRUMPY!
I should have went.
I could have used some fresh air.
I jump in the shower trying to hurry, because Layton now has to be at school in an hour.
While in there. I find that we are OUT of shampoo!
FRICKIN' Wonderful!!
I get the boy ready.
Drop him off, and head to Verizon to deal with my broken cell phone... AGAIN!
The guy who helps me... Well, hmmm... let me just say. He was NOT helpful.
...LONG story.
So, after I LOST my TEMPER, and cried... yes, CRIED!
Lee came to my rescue, and took it up with a manager.
I'm happy to say, I have a working phone now, and I am no longer stressed about that.
So to sum it all up (because I'm sure, you are tired of hearing me complain.)
Kaylee forgot her homework at school.
I spent too much on groceries.
Oh, and my gas light came on, as I'm pulling in my driveway.
So yeah. There you have it.
My day from HELL!
Believe it or not. I'm actually laughing about it.
I wasn't EARLIER, but I am this evening.
It's just amusing, at how everything went wrong in a matter of 8 hours.
Why is it always like that!?
Hmmm. Anyway...
All is well in the Frakes' home as of now...
But, if I wake up tomorrow with a pounding headache AGAIN??

Monday, September 21, 2009

I'm easily amused.

Well, I'm learning how to use the editing site.
Here's my proof...

and I wonder why my house didn't get cleaned today?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ooooh...Photo EDITING!

Well, I have a new "toy."
I've been introduced to this great picture editing website, and... yeah, well... I'm in HEAVEN!!

I've only been tinkering around with it for about an hour and a half,
and I really don't know WHAT I am doing yet, but I'm super EXCITED!!

...Can't wait to figure it all out.

Ooooh, Thank's Sarah. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wow, what a week.

During the week, my kids are in bed by 8:30PM.
At first. Yeah, they weren't big "fans" of the whole Idea.
After a summer of nothing but going, and going, it was hard to get back into that routine.
But, with school. That's the rule.
On weekends? They can stay up til' around 10 or so.
No big deal.
Well, last night, at 9 O'clock.
Layton didn't make it.
He totally crashed.
He walks out into the living room,
while I was watching T.V. and says:
"Wow, mommy. I'm kinda tired."
Next thing I know, he's curled up in Daddy's chair.

Of course, I had to stare at him for awhile.
(I just LOVE to watch my kids sleep.)
Then Daddy carried him off to bed.

I guess this "big kid" stuff, really takes it out of a person.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He's a kindergartener... I'm a mess.

Yep. That's right.
I have 2 kids in school as of today.
Can I cry now??
Layton started Kindergarten this afternoon,
and fully enjoyed it.
We heard all about story time, his recess, and what he had for a snack.
Wow, my baby... is a "big-boy".
I'm so happy for him, and all the things he will get to experience.
But, me? Man... It's hard for ME.
Seems like it was just yesterday, that he came into this world.

Now, he's off to school.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You hear that?

Isn't it GREAT?
It's called silence.
(And, it sure doesn't happen too often in this household.)
The kiddo's are asleep.
The T.V. is off.
Aaaah, It's wonderful. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is what I call... a GOOD time.

I was cuddled up in my bed today.
Very involved in a good book, when my daughter climbs in next to me with her chapter book.
Before I know it, Layton is climbing up, and squeezing in between the 2 of us with his picture book.
They didn't interrupt me, or even say a word.
 I guess they just wanted to spend a little "quiet-time" with their Mom.
It's moments like these, that make my life so amazing.
I have the COOLEST kids!

"Back at it."

Today, we attended church after being gone for waaaaaaay tooooo loooooong.
It was nice being there.
The kids loved their sunday school classes, and even made new friends.
It was a good feeling holding my husbands hand during the entire service.
I pray that God will bring him back with us every weekend.
It was great having all of us in the same pew again.
I've missed that.
Looking forward to what God has in store for me, my kids, and my family.
 It feels good to be back.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Silly cat

Last week, Karen gave me a cute little recliner that fits me perfectly.
I was super excited to have it in my living room. Right beside Lee's...
Looking forward to nights in our chairs, watching T.V...
(Ok. so maybe I'm a little weird, but I couldn't help but think how nice that would be.)
Anyway, so the night we got it I was ready to RELAX and try it out. We were getting ready to watch a movie, when Lee comes into the bedroom and says: "Um, I think you might have lost your chair."
I walk into the living room to find this.............
Yep, that's right! Our CAT has "claimed" my new chair!
I'm so NOT kidding.
This is where she is ALL the time! :)
I have managed to sit in it a couple of times, when she is outside.
(I ♥ it by the way.)
But, when she's in?
She "thinks" It's hers.
Yeah, okay, so maybe it's a little cute.
But, C'mon!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Aah, a day without kids.

Don't get me wrong. There is nothing better than a family day.
We love to do things as a family on a regular basis.
But, sometimes?
It's so nice to just be out as a couple.
Just me, Lee, and some ADULT conversation.
Today was one of those days.
Nothing exciting to do... just time with my hubby.
I love days like these.
Reminds me of how blessed I am.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The itsy-bitsy-spider.

The kids just LOVE to jump on our bed.
Go figure...
Last night they were in our room, playing, and you guessed it... jumping on the bed, when all of a sudden the giggles, and noise just STOPPED!
When I walked in to investigate. I see both of my children huddled up together by the wall just STARING at a spider.
This was our conversation:
Me: "Whatchya guys doin?"
The Kids: "Oh, just watchin' this spider, it's a daddy long legs."
Layton: "Careful, sissy. They bite."
Kaylee: "No they don't Layton."
Layton: "Uh-huh! Right Mom? Daddy and "mommy long legs" bite... right?
It was his PURE cuteness and seriousness that had me lauging so hard!
So, after clearing that one up. My "animal and creature loving" daughter decided to catch the spider and set him free.
Now, me? I SQUISH those nasty critters and flush them down the toilet.
Kaylee? Not a chance.
"That's mean Mom."
Okay... Whatever.
So, after getting her cup, and peice of paper... she slid him under, and there you have it.
She took him outside and let him loose.
I swear... that girl?
Um... yeah, she'll be a VET someday.
Her heart is SO BIG for ANYTHING that has more than 2 legs!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

...and off she goes.

Well, we dropped her off at school, and she was raring to go.
Oh, WOW! I have a 3rd grader.
She is growing up... way to fast.... for ME!
My BEAUTIFUL girl didn't even ask me to walk her in to her class. We just dropped her off at the door, and she was fine with that.
Oh, man... :(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's right around the corner.

So, School starts for Kaylee tomorrow.
She'll be in 3rd grade this year.
Layton starts next Tuesday.
My "baby" is in Kindergarten... Tear.
Tonight was "Open-house.".
They both got to see their classrooms and meet their teachers.
Big sister Kaylee even got to show her little brother the playground he'll be playing on very soon.
(She was pretty PROUD to do that.)
He caught on quickly.
So, that's it.
Soon, the house will be very quiet.
(Oh, THAT'S going to be STRANGE!)
Oh, well... They're excited.
 That's all that really matters.

Goodbye summer.

Oh, what a summer it's been.
School was out in June, and we were busy as can be right away!
Off we went to the beach for a fun-filled weekend with Lee's family. We were celebrateing Karen & Lesters anniversary. We stayed at the beach house, and we swam, played on the beach, and even visited the Oregon coast aquarium.
It was a blast!
Then, just a few weeks later, we were back again for the 4th of July. My parents treated us to a hotel stay for 2 nights, and we had a BBQ with Lee's family, and an AMAZING private firework show over the lake. It was the BEST I'd ever seen.
The look on Layton's face say's  it all... The fireworks were THAT good! :)
Then... a few weeks later? We were back AGAIN!
Kaylee joined Girl Scouts in the Fall of 08'.
They had a "Beach trip" planned after they reached their goal while selling cookies.
We stayed the weekend, and had TONS of fun!
♥ My daughter ROCKS! ♥
We spent these past 3 months going, and going, oh... and going!
If we weren't BBQ-ing with great friends, we were swimming...
Man, We were at the pool A LOT!!
(Thanks to the Rose family, and their pool membership!)
Two great couples also got married this summer.
Randy and Angela & Nate and Sarah.
Both wedding's were beautiful... and a BLAST to attend.
We rode quads with the Rose's on a couple occasions...
BEST feeling in the WORLD!!
Little Miss Kaylee also cut her LONG hair and donated it to "Locks of Love."
Super proud of her for that...
...and Becca, Tirzah, and I all got the Idea to visit the Tattoo shop.
(Their 1st time... My 4th.)
My "end-result" from that adventure.
We also spent a lot of time with The Klassens this summer.
Can't get enough of them.
Michele has been my BEST friend for almost 15 years.
Anytime spent with her... is always a GREAT time!
The Beaver's game, was AWESOME!!
We were't home alot, but we were having FUN while we were gone. 
I could go on, and on, about it in great detail, but we'd be here FOREVER!
To sum it up. It was a great season... My favorite.
Summer will be missed, but I'm super excited for the fall.
Oh, what will IT bring?