Monday, September 24, 2012

The high-fiver.

Last week, I asked Kaylee how she was liking middle school and she replied with an "I love it."

I asked her if everyone was being nice to her (because, she is my baby and I stress about stuff like that) and she says: "Yep! Mom... everyone is nice to me because I'm nice to them. Plus, I'm the one collecting high fives all the time. I have the 6th graders, the 7th graders, the 8th graders, the teachers, and even the lunch ladies giving me high fives! It's quite fun, actually!" 

Oh, what do I worry for? She was blessed with her dads social skills and a 'go get em' attitude. I'm pretty sure that she is going to do just fine in this great big world.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The regression.

So, I had to open my big mouth and start bragging about Ava being such a great sleeper. Well, now? I'm eating those words.

About a week and a half ago she just stopped sleeping well.

I couldn't understand what in the hell happened so what did I do? I Googled. Apparently, it even has a name: the "4 month sleep regression" and it SUCKS. It's like I now have a newborn all over again.

Every night consists of this:
Bed at 8ish and up at 10, 12, 2, 4, and 6.

Um, yeah. I am more than ready for this little phase to he over. (Have fun with this one Sarah.) Ha!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Bentlee has been hilarious with Ava lately.
He is always near her. Whenever I am on the couch with her, he's there. Whenever she is on the bed, he's there. Whenever in her jumper, he's close by. The other night I was lying on the floor with her and he plopped down right beside her and rested his head on her belly. 
I think someone is in love.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Because, I've never been known for my great driving skills.

I've been teased all of my life for the way that I drive.

I'm not really the most 'alert' driver and I know this is a major downfall but I wouldn't say that I am a bad driver. About 8 years ago a kid ran right out in front of me (so, not my fault) and it caused me to 'tap' him with my bumper. Ever since then? I've been known as the lady-who-hits-kids.

I constantly freak Becca out when she rides with me because she doesn't think I know how to stop, and Lee has a handful of stories he could tell of me scaring the crap out of him.

Well, a few days ago I did something that helped damage my already patchy driving history.

I have gotten really used to backing out of my driveway without looking. I normally park in front of the house and Lee parks in front of the shed (which is behind me.) During the day his Jeep is never home so I rarely look behind me. I guess this has become a really bad habit because the other night I was leaving and forgot that Lee was home and... BAM!

I obviously realized right away what happened. I got out to check and in my honest opinion - the damage wasn't bad. Lee however, was pretty pissed. (Can't say I blame the guy. I did HIT his rig.)

He got over it but I know he won't forget it.
He already cracked a joke about it yesterday and I know this guy... there are many more where that one came from.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The 4 month old.

-- Took her in today for a well check and she is 13 lbs and 25 inches long. Totally surprised me because I was thinking that she would weigh more. Her chub is deceiving I guess.

-- Somebody is teething. The poor thing is a non-stop drooler and anything that gets near her mouth is fair game. Today? It was my ear.

-- She has also started grabbing anything within reach. This means that I am constantly trying to pry my glasses and my hair out of those chubby little hands of hers.

-- The "talking" has also begun. This girl is vocal. When she is happy - she can make these high pitched sounds that can almost blow out my ear drums. Not even joking.

-- She has the rolling from tummy to back thing down. The top picture was taken seconds before she flipped. No more tummy-time for this one. When on her back she can roll to her side but hasn't figured out how to get that arm out of her way just yet.

-- She loves her siblings. Some days she can spend almost an hour just laying with them. It's the cutest thing and a nice little break for me at the same time.

-- We have her on an actual schedule now which is so nice. In bed no later than 10, and up for a feeding at 4 and 7. Not too bad if you ask me. I will take it.

-- She LOVES to watch television. Sue me, but I take advantage. Every morning after dropping off Kaylee at school she watches an episode of My Little Pony in her jumper while I get Layton ready for school. I think this is the 'Frakes gene' that was passed onto her and... well, It's awesome.

-- She is a snuggler and has attached herself to a certain teddy-bear-blanky-thing. It MUST be on her face while falling to sleep and I have a feeling this will be her best buddy for many years to come.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Football officially started today with two scrimmage games in Stayton.
We won the first and tied the second.
Whoop. Its starting to feel like fall.

Friday, September 7, 2012

We just call her lizard.

Ava has suddenly started sticking her tongue out. Constantly.
I can't figure out if it's because she is teething and maybe her gums are sore? Or if she is just sick of having her picture taken.
Needless to say, it makes me laugh.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to the books.

This year we have a middle school-er, a third grader, and an infant.
What a crazy combination.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The beach.

We got away this weekend and escaped to the coast for a little 'end of summer' fun.
The Roses joined us for the day and we stayed overnight.
We spent the next day at the lake with some of the family.
It was a short trip but just about perfect.
Ava did great and slept like a champ.
I have to say our first family-of-five getaway was a successful one.