Sunday, December 5, 2010

The ghetto wrapper.

I Absolutely LOVE Christmas.

I enjoy the shopping, I enjoy the decorating, I enjoy the giving, and this year? I have even been enjoying baking [and NOT burning] special goodies.

However, there are 2 things that don't excite me at all about this time of year.
The traffic, (NEW post - coming soon) and wrapping presents.

Ugh. Wrapping presents. Something I dread.

Usually, Lee is the one that does most the wrapping.
If it were up to me - everyone would just get a really pretty bag with sparkly paper.
But, it's Christmas and I can't really get away with that.

Lee has been working and on top of it,  he has been super sick with a chest cold.
So, the last few days I have been wrapping a little at a time.
I will admit: my gifts look a little sad - but, hey... they're almost all done.

Lee was totally surprised to get home from work this morning and see the bottom of the tree paractically stuffed full.
I told him not to look very close - because they weren't too pretty but, he already knew that.

Here are a few examples of my lack of skills:
I am known to use 'scraps' of paper on the back or at the end of my packages when I cut the main piece too small. [and I do this alot.]
I also am known to just skip using a box for those odd shaped items by trying to just make it work. These ones usually end up looking pretty 'special' - if you catch my drift.

My personal oppinion? People just tear them open anyway. Why waste all that time?
C'mon - you have to admit: I do have a point.

Anyway, Being almost done with all of them has me feeling accomplished and pretty excited.

Because, after the holidays?
I'm so going back to being the gift-bag-girl.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie you wrap just fine, you have to admit the improvement since one of our first shared wrapping experiences. lol
