Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Okay, who gave the dog SPEED?

Um... I can't even begin to describe just how crazy he is acting tonight.
For the last HOUR he hasn't stopped running FULL THROTTLE throughout the entire house.
He's hauling ass from room to room, running into walls, and acting like an insane maniac.
He's panting so bad, that someone might even think he's dying.
Seriously. What is WRONG with this dog?
He's been known to have his moments, but this is even beyond his normal 'spaz-like' episodes.
I can't WAIT until he finally gives it up, and passes out.
I'm hoping that will be very soon.


  1. I love this picture! What a kick! Maybe the kids are sneaking Bentlee some sugar, or maybe he is wondering what the heck is going on with the boxes???

  2. OMGosh Karen. That's hilarious! Maybe that's it. Can't figure out why parts of the house are 'disapearing?' Oh, and that picture? It wasn't easy to capture. Most of them were a total blur! Ha! However, I am happy to report that he is now OUT cold... snoring louder than Lee does! :]
