Wednesday, December 5, 2012


-- Karen and Lester now live in Keizer and it's nice to have them so close. Lee helped to get them moved over the weekend and I have spent a little time over there the last couple of days helping unpack boxes for Karen since she can't do it herself due to her knee surgery. Last night, I even ran them over some leftover spaghetti after I made dinner. (I sure hope that we don't drive them crazy now that they are less than a mile away.) Ha!

-- Christmas is approaching fast and I am happy to report that the tree is up, the house is decorated, cards are almost ready to be mailed and our shopping is half done. I dread however, the wrapping that I need to start next week. The absolute WORST part of the holidays in my opinion.

-- I have been planning my Grandma's memorial service and going through tons of pictures to put together her memory board. Wow, that has been an experience. I've laughed, cried, and wondered 'what was my mom thinking making me wear that?' many times during the process.

-- Well, it's official folks. I am finally getting that half-sleeve that I have wanted for 4 years. I sent my list of ideas to the tattoo artist and she is drawing it up for me this week. We will start it in the beginning of January and I am beyond stoked to see my 'vision' through her artwork. I cannot wait to have it on my skin.

-- We have new neighbors next door (that don't seem so friendly) but they have the most adorable dog. Unfortunately, they leave him out ALL the time and his barking at night is enough to drive me crazy. I feel bad for him, and pissed at them. If it continues, and it results in waking Ava up one more time - I am so calling the cops.

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