Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The 5 month old.

-- We have started solids. I planned on waiting until exactly 6 months old to introduce them but she has been giving me little hints that she is ready. The other day she was nursing while I was feeding myself at the same time (I have become rather good at multi-tasking) and she actually unlatched, reached for my hand and pulled my sandwich towards her mouth. After that, I figured we would give it a shot. She gets her oatmeal cereal every morning now for breakfast. She seems to be a fan.

-- She has started throwing fits. Yes, the full on 'I-am-so-pissed-at-you-lady' tantrums. The only time she does it though is as soon as I take her out of the tub. What can I say - the girl loves her baths.

-- We have a roller. She finally rolled from back to belly last night and of course, I missed it. Layton and Grandma Karen were the lucky ones who got to witness it. This morning I saw her do it while she was playing on her mat. She is also sitting up for seconds at a time. She will stay in the position briefly and then will fall on her side or on her face depending which way she goes. For now, the adults are the only ones who can help her learn. I'm afraid the kids might not catch her in time.

-- Daddy is becoming one of her favorite people. She likes to flirt with him every evening when he comes home from work. He can't get enough of her giggles and loud squeaks of excitement. He actually said the other day that he is glad that he got the snip-snip because he almost wants another. (Boy, am I glad too.) Ha!

-- Speaking of squeaks and squealing - Ava has a new nickname for her high pitched screaches. We call her piccolo pete. Because she seriously sounds JUST like the firecracker.

-- The girl is an olympic pooper. She could win the Gold easily. Everyday, (sometimes twice) she craps up her back and down her legs. I am almost going crazy trying to figure out how to keep the shit IN her diaper. I'm beginning to think it is a losing battle.

-- She is suddenly mesmerized by the dog. She tries to grab for him if he is close to her. But, as soon as she gets ahold of him he will just lick her to death and then he gets screamed at. The other night though she was laying on the floor and he plopped down beside her and started chewing on his bone. She started to touch his head and play with his ears and he actually let her. It was the CUTEST thing. Of course my phone was on the kitchen table and I was on the couch so as soon as I got up to grab it to record it... he moved. Grr.

-- Her sleeping schedule is all sorts of screwy at the moment. It's really hit or miss lately. Most of the time it's up every 2 to 3 hours but sometimes she goes longer. Last weekend she went 11 hours. I thought that maybe the awesome-ness would continue? But nope, it hasn't.

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