Monday, October 22, 2012


Ava and I leave early Thursday morning for Texas.

The time has finally arrived and while I am super excited to see (and SURPRISE) my wonderful Grandma with our visit, the up and coming trip has me a little stressed.

First, I hate to fly. Heights FREAK me out and the thought of being in a plane that high up petrifies me. Then, there is the 'flying with the baby' part. That doesn't scare me, it just doesn't have me very excited. I am guessing she isn't going to enjoy it too much but maybe she will prove me wrong. I'm really hoping she does. The most dreadful part of flying with her? I'm a little uneasy about nursing her in such close quarters with people. Normally, nursing in public doesn't bother me at all, but the thought of touching elbows with perfect strangers and whipping the boob out just inches from them has me a tad bit nervous. I am praying that it goes smoother than I am imagining it will.

Lee isn't taking time off from work so the bestie is picking up the slack for us. She will keep the kids the days that Lee is working and deliver them to and from school, practices, and concerts. I am seriously so grateful for her and her willingness to do this for me. I have been having major anxiety about how things will go while I am gone but I am feeling better about it. I know they are in the best hands. What would I do without her?

I have started the packing for us and that in itself has me stressed out. I don't want to pack too much, but I don't want to forget anything that Ava may need either. Plus, it's crazy weird to be packing things for 90+ dergree weather when it is barely 50 degrees here. On top of that I have to make sure that Kaylee and Layton have all of the stuff they will need while I'm gone.

So, needless to say, I am cleaning the house today and getting caught up on laundry. So far, Ava is in a great mood and she is allowing me to. Fingers crossed she continues to be nice to me today.

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