Friday, March 30, 2012


She is beautiful, opinionated, smart, and stubborn.
She is kind, giving, and has the best personality.
One minute she has me smiling, and the next she can have me frustrated out of my mind.
She loves her family, and her animals and her friends with everything in her.
She loves to draw, sing, and dream of being famous someday.
She's messy, and has a huge problem with cleaning her room.
She likes to have the last word (hmmm, can't figure out who she got that from) and she tries to push her boundaries every now and then.
She is still her 'daddy's girl' and I have a feeling she always will be.
She is clumsy, and not-so-coordinated, but she is passionate about things that she is interested in.
She has a bond with her brother that makes me so proud. The whole great big sister thing? Yep, she has that down.
She loves fashion and is very into looking her best everyday (this means that even if we are just running to the post office to mail a letter - she has to get ready.) Drives me insane.
She is goofy, spunky, and silly, and I love that about her.
She cares about people and is respectful to others.
She wants to be friends with everyone, and because of that - people are drawn to her.
Her smile is contagious and her laugh makes me happy.
She is my little girl growing up way to fast - right  before my eyes.
Happy Birthday beautiful. 

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