Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our so-called-life these days.

Lee's schedule has been a bit overwhelming - for him and everybody else that lives in this house.
We are adjusting to it but, it's for sure... different.

I'm getting used to the nights without him here.
Relying on a few text messages and a phone call [if I am lucky] during his shift to get me through.

I never thought I would actually say this, but I think I might even miss him being in my way while he plays his video game.

He get's home, showers, wakes up the kiddo's, and then crawls into bed beside me - right as my alarm goes off.
If I am lucky I will get to lay with him for a few minutes and try to update him on what he missed the night before.

He sleeps while I take care of the house, run errands, prepare meals, and pick kids up from school.
He wakes with enough time to ask them how their day was, eat some 'breakfast' and then out the door he goes.

With all of this craziness as of lately, I find myself looking even more forward to this summer.
We have some fun stuff planned and I just can't wait to have him around more.

This hectic-ness may not be ideal - but it's our life right now so we're just rolling with the punches.

He may be there, and I may be here... but together?
At least we still make one hell of a team.

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