Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The love-hate relationship - Part: 2.

The dog loves the cat.
The cat hates the dog.

Ever since we brought Bentlee home, Patches has tollerated him but she has never liked him. That is a fact.
It's funny to sit and watch them interact with each other sometimes.
It is more than clear who the 'boss' is and it's not who you'd think.

The cat is known for teasing and taunting Bentlee. All the time.

When he is outside, she will sit in front of his doggy door and swat at his face when he tries to enter.
This usually results in him whinning and yapping outside for at least 5 minutes until I come and move her.
She will pace back in forth along the fence line where he can't reach her - driving him crazy.
And the latest thing? She eats his food out of his dish.
He just sits there staring at me (while I laugh) like 'lady? Are you gonna do something?'

At least twice daily he will chase her around the house - obviously wanting to play with her.
He can't figure out that the hissing sound coming from her means that she doesn't want to be friends?

The other night, I even found her on his bed.

He was barking on and off obviously disturbed that she was once again invading his space.

I come to investigate and find this:

Yeah, I'm guessing by the looks of things that if she had a middle finger?
She'd be showin' it.

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