Monday, July 19, 2010

This must be why God gave me a 'manly-man' for a husband.

Every once and awhile our cat Patches is known to totally FREAK OUT in the middle of the night.
She will spend hours running around, and literally bouncing off every single wall in the house.
We used to just throw her crazy ass outside, but now, she's figured out how the doggy door works.
So, that is obviously no longer an option, and it totally bites.

This morning I woke up to her doing that exact thing.
I was lying in bed, wide awake, and beyond irritated.
I was lying there for about 3 minutes just listening to her romp around by the front door when I heard it.
The sound of her batting something around, then a super high pitched 'squeal.'

My first thought :
I froze.
I listened for another second.
Thump... thump... thud... SQUEAL!

It took me about, um... ONE second to shake the living crap out of Lee.

Babe! Wake up! The cat... uh... holy crap, she is playing with a mouse and it's still alive! DO SOMETHING!

Lee: (half asleep)
Geeez, calm down. I've got it.

So, for the next few minutes, I stayed in bed, with the covers OVER my head, cringing at the thought of a MOUSE.BEING.IN.MY.HOUSE.

Lee somehow held back his urge to laugh at me, after coming back to bed.
He then assured me that it was NOT a mouse, but instead a tiny baby bird that she dragged in from outside.

Uhh, still GROSS, but I guess it's WAY better than a dirty, disease infested, mouse... IN MY HOUSE.

So, as you can see, I do NOT do well with un-wanted nasty little critters anywhere near me.
I am deathly afraid of (hint, hint)... Mice, and big  hairy spiders.

(Just to prove at how grossed out and bothered I was about it, I even had to get up and dis-infect every SINGLE INCH of the area that she was playing in.)

Some people constantly tease me and tell me that I am 'SUCH a girl.'
Um, all I have to say is: when it comes to those TWO things?
Well, yeah people... DUH.

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