Saturday, June 26, 2010

'Almost' worth it.

Ok, so I absolutely HATE bubbles.
They're messy, and they always end up ALL OVER the kids, or all over the area they were playing in.
I just don't like them. Ugh.
Every year the kids have to BEG me to buy them, and every year I try to resist.
Somehow though, they ALWAYS talk me into it.
This week they asked for days if they could play with them.
After the 20th time I finally gave in, but told them "DON'T MAKE A MESS!" as they ran out the door.
I watched from the front window for awhile and have to admit: they were rather cute chasing them around and giggling like little maniacs.
I figured I should take advantage, so I grabbed the camera.
I captured this new favorite. (Right BEFORE Layton stepped back and spilled his HUGE bottle of bubbles all over my front porch.)
So, yeah... I rest my case.

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