Thursday, October 31, 2013


This year Ava was a kitty, Kaylee, a scarecrow, and Layton was some creepy guy with a bloody knife. (And while on the subject, let me say that boys costumes are not my favorite.  Up until last year he would let me pick out his costumes.  Ever since he started, its creepy choices. Yeah, not sure if I will ever get used to that.)

The husbands had to work so we had a spaghetti dinner over at Becca's and then took the kids out to trick-or-treat. The big kids stayed at the house to pass out candy and we went to a neighborhood that we figured would be better.

It really wasn't.  Every 4th house had a light on it seemed. It was kind of a bummer.

Ava absolutely loved it and got the concept almost instantly. She would sit in her stroller from house to house and literally jump out as soon as the boys headed for a door. It was so fun to watch her. She even got a mini bag of skittles to snack on during our adventure. She was a polite girl too. She couldn't say the 3 magic words normally used on this night but she got away with "pease, tank you and byeeee!"

Kids are tired, and in bed and I? Oh, I am enjoying a mini butterfinger waiting for Lee to get home from work.

I call that a successful night.

1 comment:

  1. I like your new look on this blog. The new title is perfect.
