Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I think he's catching on... FINALLY!

Well, we have almost had Mr. Bentlee home for a month,
I think I have cleaned up enough crap, and pee to last me a lifetime.
He isn't a huge fan of "Oregon" weather.
(I can't say I blame him.)
We'd have him out for 5-10 minutes and he'd just sit there,
only to come inside and find a corner to go in.
(Yeah, I've learned to have ALOT more patience.)
Anyhoo, the last few days have been WAY better.
2 days ago he started whining,
Everytime he whined, we'd rush him out,
and he'd GO!!
Last night I worked, and when I got home
Lee said he even scratched at the door.
So, I think that he's starting to understand.
Which is great news to everyone in this house.
Oh, and in other "dog news."
He has also learned his first "trick."
(Well, kind of.)
The boy can "sit."
He only gets a treat if he does,
and I'm almost SHOCKED that he caught on so quickly.
Might I add:
It's the cutest thing EVER.

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