Sunday, March 3, 2013

The teether.

Last week, my kid checked out. My fun, and busy little girl disappeared and instead was replaced by a cranky, mean, and unpleasant child.

I knew she was working on her top teeth. The fever, drool and constant chewing on everything in her path, gave that one away. But, on day #3 I realized she was working on FOUR all at once.

Poor thing. It was sleepless nights, a constant headache and no fun for either of us.

Happy to report that she is now better and has 6 teeth total. We even bought her a toothbrush and she loves gnawing on it while I brush mine in the morning.

Happy to have my girl back. That was rough.

1 comment:

  1. SIX!? Geez Ava, quit growing! ((Everett? Still has zero. ZERO. What is with my kids being toothless?))
