Saturday, April 28, 2012

Life as of now.

This week and the last have been just a bit stressful on this 'so over being pregnant' lady.

-- Lee has had about a million doctors appointments every week, and between his and mine I feel like we have pretty much been living in the car. We wake up, drop kids off at school, then go.. go, and go some more. If the third trimester isn't exhausting enough? Just add having to be gone from home almost all day, almost everyday. It's enough to make me want to scream. No wonder I have been a total grumpy ass lately.

-- Speaking of Lee and his doctors appointments. I should probably give an actual update on how things are going with his recovery. He has back-to-back physical therapy sessions scheduled out for 6 more weeks, twice a week and recently was referred to a orthopedic specialist for further tests on the damage done to his knee. We went in yesterday for him to be fitted for a new brace; one that he can actually bend and try to get around in better. He is still trying to get used to it but has said that it feels so much better than the one he has had to wear for the last two weeks.

-- I have been having contractions everyday at some point for the last week and a half and it is enough to drive me insane. Some of them are down-right painful to the point where I think to myself 'okay, this has to be the beginning of labor' only for them later to subside. I cannot express how frustrating they are. Ugh. I know, I know, I am probably complaining too much about it but it totally pisses me off. I feel like if I'm going to be hurting this bad, can I please just have a baby already? What is going on in there Ava? Give your mom a break. I'm dying to meet you, so hurry up little one.

-- I keep waiting for the whole nesting thing to kick in also but, that's so not happening around here. At. All.

-- We had conferences for Kaylee last week and she is doing really well in school (DUH.) However, because of her struggles with math, they want to try her out for summer school to help her be more prepared for middle school next year. Let me just say that the girl is not so happy about that idea. Oh, well. Life sucks sometimes. She's going.

-- We went and saw Stacie perform in her play on Wednesday. It was great. The kids loved it and it was highly entertaining. I was pretty proud of my oldest niece.

-- That bestie of mine has been amazing lately. (Well, she always is - but you know what I mean.) She has been a huge reason why I haven't lost my mind in the past couple of weeks. Always there to listen and always there to make me laugh my butt off when need be. She even got ahold of friends and family and got a meal plan set up for when baby arrives. Oh and my favorite thing that she does? She calls me everyday before she goes anywhere out of Keizer to make sure I am 'feeling okay.' Ha! Love her TONS!!

-- I know life has been a little bit out of sorts for the last couple of weeks and obviously it will be more so in the next few. But, I'm ready for it.... well, I think I am anyway. In about a month? I may be singing a different tune.

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