Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ava as of now.

She is changing so much and I bet you that she says a new word daily.

We are weaning from the binkie now. I refused to go cold turkey with her because she is still so attached to it for comfort. Instead, we are slowly phasing it out. She went from having it all day, everyday to just naptime and bedtime now. She understands that once she is up, it goes back in the basket. She is used to not having it in the car and is now comfortable with having her blankets without it. We are getting there. I think next week we will try to have naptime without it and see how she does. It's a process but she is adjusting so much better than I thought she would.

Potty training is also a process.  A slow one. Mostly, that's my fault though.  I haven't been feeling the greatest so finding the energy to work with her on it everyday is tough. Everyday, she does use the toilet though. In the morning,  before and after naptime. In the evenings, before bathtime and bedtime. She prefers the big potty over hers and goes every single time. She is getting panties in her stocking this year, and then we will get serious. I know she is ready.

She loves to sing lately and her favorite is the happy birthday song. (Don't ask me how that happened. I have no clue.) She will run around the house saying "happy baby" all day long. Ha! She cracks me up.

She loves watching Kaylee train at the gym and beats up on the punching bags every chance she gets.

Dads car is a pretty big deal too. "Vroom vroom" is her only response when she sees it and she loves going for rides.  She will scream with excitement when he revs the engine and sometimes even wakes up at night when he pulls in the driveway.

Her manners are starting to really show more and more. She says "pease" whenever she wants or needs something and she says "anke eww" without being asked to afterwards.

No no (sounds like: MO MO) is her favorite word at the moment.

She loves peperoni slices.
She hates wearing her diaper and will take it off if she doesn't have pants on.
She is obsessed with sitting on Bentlee and jumping on his back. (Poor pup.)
She likes to take every snack out of the cabinet just to drive me crazy.
She is silly.
She is stubborn.
She is sweet...
And she is so much fun.


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