Sunday, December 22, 2013

Just call us festive.

We have been enjoying the season so far. Trying to cram in all the fun before Christmas arrives.

Enjoying the Keizer lights, attempting to see Santa at the mall, parties with friends, and shopping 'til we drop.

Almost there. Not sure who is more excited. The kids, or mom.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ava as of now.

She is changing so much and I bet you that she says a new word daily.

We are weaning from the binkie now. I refused to go cold turkey with her because she is still so attached to it for comfort. Instead, we are slowly phasing it out. She went from having it all day, everyday to just naptime and bedtime now. She understands that once she is up, it goes back in the basket. She is used to not having it in the car and is now comfortable with having her blankets without it. We are getting there. I think next week we will try to have naptime without it and see how she does. It's a process but she is adjusting so much better than I thought she would.

Potty training is also a process.  A slow one. Mostly, that's my fault though.  I haven't been feeling the greatest so finding the energy to work with her on it everyday is tough. Everyday, she does use the toilet though. In the morning,  before and after naptime. In the evenings, before bathtime and bedtime. She prefers the big potty over hers and goes every single time. She is getting panties in her stocking this year, and then we will get serious. I know she is ready.

She loves to sing lately and her favorite is the happy birthday song. (Don't ask me how that happened. I have no clue.) She will run around the house saying "happy baby" all day long. Ha! She cracks me up.

She loves watching Kaylee train at the gym and beats up on the punching bags every chance she gets.

Dads car is a pretty big deal too. "Vroom vroom" is her only response when she sees it and she loves going for rides.  She will scream with excitement when he revs the engine and sometimes even wakes up at night when he pulls in the driveway.

Her manners are starting to really show more and more. She says "pease" whenever she wants or needs something and she says "anke eww" without being asked to afterwards.

No no (sounds like: MO MO) is her favorite word at the moment.

She loves peperoni slices.
She hates wearing her diaper and will take it off if she doesn't have pants on.
She is obsessed with sitting on Bentlee and jumping on his back. (Poor pup.)
She likes to take every snack out of the cabinet just to drive me crazy.
She is silly.
She is stubborn.
She is sweet...
And she is so much fun.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Curve ball.

I have been battling some health issues since before summer and I am now starting to share it with extended friends and family.

It's  has been a long and drawn out process but I will spare all the boring details.

I have been diagnosed with some sort of auto immune disorder. I have had extensive labs done and at first the results were really confusing. They are leaning towards something called CREST syndrome.  (I advise you not to Google. I did and now - I'm scared out of my mind.)

I have been put on a medication that normally takes 6 months to kick in, as well as a steroid to manage my pain. may I just say that  HATE having to take daily medications to mask my symptoms.  I feel so frustrated and helpless.

I go back in to my specialist in February for a follow up. He will run more labs to see if we can get more solid answers as to what I actually have.

Everyday I wake up in pain, and it stays with me. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's worse. Sometimes my spirits are up, sometimes my mood is super negative.  It's such a damn roller coaster.

I know that people are concerned but I get so tired of always having to say that I feel horrible when they ask. I really have started feeling like a loser. Someone who constantly complains. I really hate feeling that way. Sometimes I really try to down play my symptoms to others. I really don't want to become that person - the one that gets on everyones nerves. Lately? I feel like I do.  

Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's looking a lot like Christmas.

I can hardly believe that it is almost the middle of December already. How did THAT happen?

Our weather has been COLD. We even had a little snow last week. This never happens in Oregon, so it was actually nice to see. The kids loved it. Especially, the staying home from school part. I liked it, because it gave me a great excuse to make hot chocolate all day long.

Our tree is up but the gifts are in my closet or under my bed in need of being wrapped. I'm hoping I can convince Becca to wrap them for me. I dread it. As I do every year.

Ava is fond of the ornaments and really likes to rip them off the branches and run around the house yelling "BALL!"

I am in the mood to do something extra this year for someone in need. Ideas have been heavy on my heart and I really want to include the kids. I think it's so important to help out if we can and I want them to see and feel how great it is to be a part of something like that.  Layton suggested buying winter coats for kids that don't have any. So, tomorrow I will call around and see what we can do.

The countdown has begun. 12 days.
I guess I better get my butt in gear and finish our shopping.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Someone hasn't felt well for almost a week.

We spent Thanksgiving at the cabin with family (post coming soon) and we had a few rough days.

Tomorrow, we will be home being lazy and catching up on laundry. Hopefully the rest will help her to feel better.

I would like to trade this cranky and mean little monster in, for my cuddly and loving little munchkin ASAP.

I know she is in there somewhere. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This day.

I just love spending my afternoons with this little girl.

Today, she helped me mail packages to clients at the post office, insisting that she carry everything for me. The people in line got a real kick out of her.

She rode in the car cart at Safeway (she has a huge obsession with cars all of a sudden) and made her "vroom vroom" sound as loud as she could all over the store.

We shared a cupcake, danced like crazy fools and played hide-and-seek with daddy before he left for work.

I am so thankful for days like this. Simple, laid back and full of fun because I am sharing them with my sweet Ava baby.

Blessed,  I am.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


This year Ava was a kitty, Kaylee, a scarecrow, and Layton was some creepy guy with a bloody knife. (And while on the subject, let me say that boys costumes are not my favorite.  Up until last year he would let me pick out his costumes.  Ever since he started, its creepy choices. Yeah, not sure if I will ever get used to that.)

The husbands had to work so we had a spaghetti dinner over at Becca's and then took the kids out to trick-or-treat. The big kids stayed at the house to pass out candy and we went to a neighborhood that we figured would be better.

It really wasn't.  Every 4th house had a light on it seemed. It was kind of a bummer.

Ava absolutely loved it and got the concept almost instantly. She would sit in her stroller from house to house and literally jump out as soon as the boys headed for a door. It was so fun to watch her. She even got a mini bag of skittles to snack on during our adventure. She was a polite girl too. She couldn't say the 3 magic words normally used on this night but she got away with "pease, tank you and byeeee!"

Kids are tired, and in bed and I? Oh, I am enjoying a mini butterfinger waiting for Lee to get home from work.

I call that a successful night.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This fall.

I have made my seasonal trip to E.Z. Orchards to pick up (my favorite) pumpkin spice donuts. Then, felt sick after eating way too many. 

I attempted to make Kaylee her costume this year, which really means that I purchased a hot glue gun and went a tad bit crazy. Trust me, the burns and blisters on my fingers are proof that it was a chore.

Ava is obsessed with pumpkins but calls then apples. She also likes to stop dead in her tracks when she sees a scarecrow decoration. We were out shopping the other day and she even tried to drag one across the store with her. She absolutely loves them.

Speaking of obsessions? I am in love with boot socks for babies. I got all creative and went to the dollar store and picked up fuzzy girl socks in every color. Then, I cut the feet off and VOILA! Ava has a drawer full. (I was rather proud of myself for thinking that one up.)

Soups have been an every week meal choice since the weather turned chilly. Our favorite is a creamy potato that we top with bacon, chives and cheese. Nothing says fall like hot soup on a cold day. There really is nothing better.

I have a ton of shoots coming up in the next few weeks and autumn has really turned into one of my favorite times for photo sessions. I am so blessed to live in such a gorgeous state.

One thing that I am seriously looking forward to as well? The cabin for Thanksgiving. I am totally counting down the days.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I you.

As Ava gets bigger I have been reminded at how just much I enjoy the toddler talk.

She has started repeating after us quite a bit and her version of whatever we are saying, is always super cute.

My favorite? I you. (I love you.) She has also learned quickly how to say this one in proper context, whuch makes it that much sweeter. (I am guessing it is because those words are used A LOT around here.)

Last week, she was screaming "mom, mom, mom..." I finally said "what Ava?" She simply replies: "I you."

Made my day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Celtic life.

It is hard to believe that football season for Layton is almost over. We have spent the last 3 months with a crazy practice schedule and spent our weekends watching him play. We have come to know the other families and boys on the team, and even though I am excited to have my evenings back, I will miss them. I know he will too.

These boys have worked their butts off and they have played an amazing season, only losing one game with just 2 more to go.

Layton made a touchdown last Saturday and the pride in his goofy grin made the time commitment totally worth it. Yes, he complains sometimes about having to go to practice and yes, he dreads getting up early on the weekends but the kid loves the game, plain and simple.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Clearly, my blog hasn't been one of them.

I have been so incredibly busy as of lately. I could do a short post rambling on about all of the activities and daily tasks that have kept me away (like I normally do) or I can make an effort to actually update this more often and share that way. I think I will go with that one.

Hopefully I can get back into the swing of it soon. I am missing it. My plan? A new header and page design soon, as well as updated stories and pictures of the Frakes family! So, keep checking in on me...

Thought I would share a quick little tid-bit today. I ran across it and absolutely love it. It is super clever, freaking cute, and totally left me wishing that I would have tried something like this with my kids when they were babies.

Who knows, maybe I can try something like THIS with my clients in the near future. It's pretty much full of awesome.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello fall.

It's getting chilly outside and the rain is in full swing. I am totally crossing my fingers that it holds out for us on Sunday for family pictures. If we have to reschedule, this mama will not be happy.

I am finding myself so excited for the season change - even more than normal. Summer has always been my favorite time of year but fall has me giddy this time around.

I am loving getting hot chai teas on cold mornings and seeing Ava wear tight leggings with boots is the cutest thing ever. I am so excited for the pumpkin patch, Halloween and photo sessions with the pretty changing leaves. I have started buying more scarves to add to my stash and am even considering trying out skinny jeans just so I can wear cute boot cuffs. I am also planning on hitting up E.Z. Orchards for those amazing pumpkin spice donuts soon with the bestie (she just doesn't know it yet.)

Fall time, is fun time.
Bring it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The talker.

It has begun. Ava is full of words lately.

Just when I was wondering if she would ever talk, she just started spouting them off.

She has 'please' and 'thank you' down and even uses them appropriately.

She is also saying 'I love you' which sounds more like "ahh eew" when she says it.

I am enjoying this stage a ton. Especially when she tries her hardest to repeat after you. It's not only adorable, it's also pretty hilarious at times.

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's time.

After years of putting it off and after weeks of searching for the perfect photographer. I have finally scheduled our family pictures for next month.

I am not one who enjoys having my picture taken so I'm not very excited for that but I am looking forward to capturing memories of my family - all 5 of us, together. It will be nice to have some shots of the kids that I didn't take myself, too.

One thing that I am worried about is what I want all of us to wear, though. I have no clue what I want us in. You would think that would be the easy part. But, nope. I'm currently shopping online to find perfect outfits and color schemes.  Oh, the stress.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


It is raining outside  and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  It has me excited for fall.

I am sitting on the couch while Ava destroys the living room with her new box of books.  She is highly interested in the ones with textures so she is opening all of them and feeling each page. I love watching her.

School is back in session as of yesterday. I should be leaving as I type to go pick up kids.

Thought I would leave a random post since I rarely do anymore.

Life needs to slow down... yeah, right. I know... I am dreaming.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ava as of now.

She has recently learned how to twirl, so she will constantly spin around in circles until she is so dizzy that she falls over.

Instead of saying "bye" now, she will just blow you a kiss.

She is slowly cutting out her morning nap. Some days she will still take two but most of the time she refuses.

Her love for her binkie causes a power struggle daily. I dread the day that I take it away for good. I may just lose my mind.

She loves to watch me do my make up in the morning and tries to put on my lipstick.  She especially likes blushing her ears with my blush brush.

Dental floss is her favorite. She will watch me floss while she chews on a small piece of her very own.

She is fearless. Especially at the pool. She has started lunging herself off the edge into your arms. We have learned that you have to be giving her your full attention at all times because she is jumping, whether you are looking or not.

She likes to yell at the dog. Oh yes, its quite entertaining. Normally its when she has a snack in her hand and he goes for it. She likes to scream at him in her baby babble and point at his bed.

She has finally mastered the high-five and knuckles. It is THE. CUTEST.

Lately I have been noticing how much she is starting to resemble an actual "kid." It is crazy. At football practice she just runs around with all of the older kids and plays until she is exhausted. Most nights we get home and a bath is needed pronto. I love watching her grow, learn and change.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Its that time again.

Football practice started this week and so far, Layton has jammed a finger, and forgot to wear socks with his cleats.

Soon it will be chilly late nights, non-stop cheering for his team and lots of crock-pot meals.

Sounds good to me. We are ready for some football.