Sunday, April 15, 2012

The strike.

Lee's union is on strike - has been for the last week.
What we thought would be short lived is turning out to look like it may drag on for awhile longer.
Lee has been out on the picket line for everyday that he would be working showing his support.
I even went out to a rally with him last week that they held to show mine.

The timing of all this couldn't be much worse with the baby being due at any point.
If that wasn't stressful enough, on Thursday, one of the security officers that works for the comapany tried to move Lee out of his way with his car. Lee was crossing the driveway and this guy decided to try and 'nudge' him out of his way with his bumper causing Lee to hyper extend his knee. Yep. Awesome. The added stress has been a lot of fun... NOT.

He goes in for his follow-up on Monday.
Let's just hope that his injuries aren't too serious.
I really don't want him sitting next to my hospital bed - in a wheelchair while I push out Miss Ava... and I would really like him to be able to drive us to the hospital and home when she arrives.
I'm gonna be one sad wife, if that isn't possible.

Negotiations continue on Monday.
Fingers crossed that they come to an agreement... and SOON.

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