-- I know most people would tell me to 'shut my face' for saying this but I am going to say it anyway. I. FEEL. HUGE. When it suddenly hurts to walk, sit, or lay down? I think that I have every right to complain.
-- New craving (and may I just say - I have had more cravings with this kid than the other two combined.) It's like, I will want something specific for a month or more and then it is on to the next. Crazy weird.
Orange Fanta soda is my absolute favorite right now. Not Sunkist, (eew) not orange Crush, (double eew) it has to be Fanta. It's yummy-yummy-yummy and unfortunately only a few places have it in fountain form which is the only way I like it really. But, please believe, I now have those places on auto pilot.
-- Lee has been such a help lately. He has a new job... putting on my socks, and tying my shoes. Lucky him.
-- I have now entered the 'okay, I'm over this' stage of pregnancy. Contractions have started, making me uncomfortable all the time. We actually even made a trip to the hospital this week with them coming every 2 minutes only to be sent home because there was no change to my cervix. Super frustrating (and kind of embarrassing being that this is my THIRD kid.). I continue to hurt and just wish she would come out already.
-- Lee has actually been obsessing lately with ideas of how we could help coax her out. He has traded places with me by googling every possibility. Yesterday? I actually bounced on a trampoline for 20 minutes. Ummm, so yeah. Why do I agree to this stuff?
-- I have been having constant dreams about her. It's weird though, I never really get a good idea of what she looks like in my dreams. She's just here. Last night I dreamed about her first photo shoot. (which I have to say that I am SUPER stoked about.) Ideas are in my head non-stop. Poor girl has no idea what she is in for.
-- I am now done with work until after the delivery. No more cleaning and no more photo shoots until June. I had to stop because I was seriously running on fumes.
I am sooooo excited to meet our little Ava, also. Grandma's get super stoked about such arrivals.