I actually asked myself the other day after 'reserving' a movie through redbox for pick up: "how did we ever get by before smartphones?
I find it both amazing, and ridiculous at the amount of things that we can do with our phones these days.
We can surf the web, check our status on facebook, rent a movie, play games, order anything that we can find on-line. We can download music, download videos, record our own and post them to youtube, order a pizza and have it delivered (without even speaking to a live person.) We can pay our bills, navigate our cars, scan barcodes at grocery stores, and this is just a small portion of what they are used for.
Am I the only one who finds this craz-y?
I remember rotary phones, payphones, the first cell phone that my mom ever had, [It weighed about 10 lbs, and was as big as a shoe] and phone books! (Okay wait. Do they even make those anymore?)
Geez, have we come far or what.
I can't even imagine what it will be like 10 years from now, but I guess It's just another tool created to help us citizens become even more lazy in our everyday lives.
Call me guilty though - because I do love mine!
:-) U R Funny