Thursday, August 4, 2011


I'm a total wuss when it comes to needles.
I always say that the worst part of labor for me (both times) was my IV and the epidural.
Seriously, it was.

I have never been one to really like piercings other than the ear lobes.
I got my belly button done years ago (and almost cried) but it closed up awhile ago and I will never do it again.
For some reason though - the industrial has always been one that I have wanted.
I think it's different, kinda funky, and totally cool looking.
So, last night [after 2 years of wanting it] I went for it.
And?... it hurt. Bad. Really, really bad.

I don't know what was worse, the crunching sound of my cartilage, or the feeling that the guy was stabbing me with a needle the size of a coffee straw. [Oh, wait. He was stabbing me with a needle the size of a coffee straw.]

Yes, it sucked. but I survived, and I love it.

But, now? Onto the healing proccess - which so far is proving to suck just as bad.

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