That'd be me.
I'm not sure why I do it to myself, but it never fails.
I always let things get to me. Always.
Lee becoming head coach has been a somewhat stressfull experience so far.
His work doesn't really begin until the first practice, but my work has been in full force from the beginning.
I'm pretty much the communicator with all of the parents when it comes to upcoming events and important dates. Via - Lee's e-mail. [Oh, and It feels kinda weird talking to people like I am actually him] but it works... well, kinda.
I never realized how many people don't check their e-mails (or just don't give a crap) until recently.
Becca has been having the same problem with getting information for our book, and it is IR-IT-TAT-ING.
We have deadlines. Important deadlines, and trying to get that accross is almost impossible.
Makes me want to pull my hair out.
I have actually been losing sleep over it too. Pathetic, I know.
Like today - wide awake at 7 O'clock because I can't stop reciting the e-mails I need to send out - over, and over, and over in my head.
I am so ready for all of this paperwork, and detailed stuff to be over with, so we can just enjoy the season.
The practices and the games will be the easy part compared to this.
On a happier (football related) note: Layton was prancing around in his PJ's and new cleats the other night.
Talk about an uber-cute moment.
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