Sunday, July 3, 2011

The pop & lock-er.

Layton is the most outgoing kid I know.
Unless, it has to do with performing something in front of people.

We discovered this a few months ago with his first musical program at school.
Grandpa bribed him with money, I bribed him with ice cream and it was still a struggle to get him to go on stage.
He did it, but seriously looked like he might crap himself at any second.
That memory will be embedded in my brain until the day I die.

This trait in him he gets from me - poor kid.

Last night we were at The Roses for a BBQ.
As soon as the music started, Kaylee started hassling him to dance.
[He will entertain us at home sometimes, and we always get a kick out of it.]
After much coercing, he finally caved.

I was thrilled that Lee CAUGHT THIS ON TAPE.

Obviously, the boy has rythym.
This however... he did NOT get from his mom.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing i've ever seen!
