Monday, February 7, 2011

The not-so-happy ending.

I finished my book last night.
The one that I have had my nose stuck in every chance I that I have had for the last week.
The one that has had me totally hooked on it's contents, and full of curiosity as I turned every page.
The one that I was sure would end up tying-it-all-together for me at the end.

I layed there for a few minutes after reading the last sentence just pissed off.

Now, don't get me wrong. I realize that this is book one, but I am so irritated with how it ended that I am actually contemplating whether or not I even want to read the rest of them.

I texted Lee with how frustrated I was last night and what was his response?
He texted back: LOL!
(Um, really? he was 'laughing out loud' at me?)
This didn't help my mood people - it wasn't funny.

He told me he knew I was going to flip-out and was just waiting for it, but promises that I will love the series if I just stick with it.

Ugh. Even though at the moment it pains me, I guess I will take his word for it.

Although, I plan on waiting a few days to start the next one.
Only because I know it's going to take me that long to lose this bad attitude that I have about it.

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