Now, normally on this day - it's like no other in my oppinion.
I've never been one to go crazy about it.
I've actually never understood all the hype quite honestly.
Maybe it's because I have been spoiled by a husband who is super affectionate all the time?
One who tells me he loves me about a hundred times throughout the day. Every day? (Go ahead Sarah - you can throw up now.)
Anyway, I'm just not one of those girls who waits for this day to arrive wondering what we are going to do or even more, what I got.
I never have been, and I'm pretty positive that Lee LOVES this about me.
However, this year I will say that I am actually a little bummed to not have plans for tonight.
Not so much because of what day it is, but more so because Lee and I just haven't had a date since November.
Yeah, I'm kinda just missing the guy.
He's working tonight.
So, we've planned an evening out for the upcoming weekend.
No kids, just us.
I don't even care what we do. really. Just to be able to 'hang out' alone will be enough.
He has no idea at how much I am looking forward to it. Seriously. NO IDEA.
(Oh, yeah - and Happy Valentines Day hubby. You kinda complete me - as dumb as that sounds - and you totally make me proud to be your wife.)
thanks for the permission, because I TOTALLY DID. :]