Sunday, February 27, 2011

The sicko.

It is a known fact: men are just big babies when they get sick.
Ask ANY wife out there and she will back me up on this one.

Lee caught something earlier this week and by Wednesday he was miserable.
I spent some time teasing him on how much of a wussy he was (because I am married to him - and it's my right.)
This was until about 11PM that night.

Why only to eleven?
Oh, because that is when his fever decided to spike to almost 104 degrees and the hallucinations began.
I won't go into great detail about his crazy behavior and the fact that his eyes were constantly rolling back into his head because quite honestly, it gives me goose-bumps just thinking about it.
I will say this though -  I am SO thankful that both of the kids were sound asleep.
Otherwise? They would be scarred for life.
He had me freaking out. I can't imagine how they would have taken it.

I spent the whole night trying to nurse him back to health.
Making sure he got his ibuprofin and tylenol on time, trying to cool him down with cool wash cloths, and even at one point contemplating if I should just take him into the ER. [This thought crossed my mind only after 2 cases of night-terrors.]

Thankfully, his fever stayed at about 102 throughout the night and he finally got some sleep.
I made him an appointment for the following day and it turned out that he had bronchitis.
Oh, and that fever?
That was just his body doing it's 'job' to fight his infection.
(Um, right - and almost giving me a heart attack in the process.)

Later, I find out that he is known to have hallucinations with high fevers. He has since he was a kid.
For those who have never witnessed this? Let me just tell you: You don't want to. It's FREAKY.

Fortunatley, he was put on antibiotics and now he is on the mend.
After all of that I just find myself hoping and praying that me and the kids don't catch it.
That's all I need... Lee going back to work, while I am stuck in bed. DYING.
Yeah, let's hope that doesn't happen.
I've had enough of this crap already.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The coupon-clipper.

It's my new-found hobby.
Well, if you can even call it that.

I've just noticed that I now get excited when the coupon-saver comes in the mail, or the fact that I will go out on a Sunday just to buy the paper and then sit at the kitchen table for about an hour with the scissors in hand.

I find this fun people. Is that weird?

Not sure what brought this on. Maybe it's all the Groupon e-mails I've been getting everyday?

All I know is that I have saved us some money lately, and this? Well, this ALWAYS makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

He thinks he's human - I swear.

Every morning Bentlee gets to go in the car with us when I take the kids to school.
He loves to go and drives me absolutely crazy while they are getting ready.
He follows them all around the house trying to contain his anxiety, he sits impatiently by the bathroom door when they brush their teeth, and then he whines by the front door when they are tying their shoes.
He's a total wreck until I jingle my keys.

He hops in the front seat and sits there the whole way to the school just looking out the window.
The teachers who stand out front all know him and greet him every morning like they do the kids.
Yeah, he's become a real hit and he totally eats it up - wagging his nub back-and-forth in utter excitement.
As soon as we pull out of the school? He curls up in the front seat and 'naps' until I pull in the driveway.
Everyday. The same thing.

As soon as we get home he comes in the house, sits by the couch and just stares at me.
He's waiting for me to grab a blanket, lay down, and turn on the t.v.
Once I do? He hops up with me, and lays down.

Rewind to about 2 months ago and he wasn't even allowed on the furniture.
It's one of the things I was super stern about when we decided to get a puppy.
But, somehow  this rule has flown out the window.
He's truly the 'baby' of the family - he gets away with crap that he shouldn't.

I just don't have the heart to yell at him when he's all snuggled up - he's too cute.
(Well, okay that's not the only reason.)

Honestly, he keeps my feet warm and as long as I'm benefiting from it too... why change a thing?

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's [HEART] day.

Today is Valentines Day.

Now, normally on this day - it's like no other in my oppinion.
I've never been one to go crazy about it.
I've actually never understood all the hype quite honestly.

Maybe it's because I have been spoiled by a husband who is super affectionate all the time?
One who tells me he loves me about a hundred times throughout the day. Every day? (Go ahead Sarah - you can throw up now.)

Anyway, I'm just not one of those girls who waits for this day to arrive wondering what we are going to do or even more, what I got.
I never have been, and I'm pretty positive that Lee LOVES this about me.

However, this year I will say that I am actually a little bummed to not have plans for tonight.
Not so much because of what day it is, but more so because Lee and I just haven't had a date since November.
Yeah, I'm kinda just missing the guy.

He's working tonight.
So, we've planned an evening out for the upcoming weekend.
No kids, just us.

I don't even care what we do. really. Just to be able to 'hang out' alone will be enough.
He has no idea at how much I am looking forward to it. Seriously. NO IDEA.

(Oh, yeah - and Happy Valentines Day hubby. You kinda complete me - as dumb as that sounds - and you totally make me proud to be your wife.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A natural.

Kaylee is turning 10 next month - yes, HARD to believe.
So, we ventured out  yesterday to take some pictures for her upcoming party, and she loved every second.
Her personality shined through of course.
I had no doughts.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One tough cookie.

In the past few weeks, Miss Kaylee's self-esteem has returned.

I was worried that the problem she was having with a girl at school would have a lasting affect on her.
So, not the case.

She took a stand, and finally realized that not only was she better off without her, she found out that she is a lot happier too, hanging with her 'real' friends.

This tough decision that she has made has shown positive results: no more sadness and no more tears... for both her and me.

Yep. I couldn't be more proud of this little lady of mine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The not-so-happy ending.

I finished my book last night.
The one that I have had my nose stuck in every chance I that I have had for the last week.
The one that has had me totally hooked on it's contents, and full of curiosity as I turned every page.
The one that I was sure would end up tying-it-all-together for me at the end.

I layed there for a few minutes after reading the last sentence just pissed off.

Now, don't get me wrong. I realize that this is book one, but I am so irritated with how it ended that I am actually contemplating whether or not I even want to read the rest of them.

I texted Lee with how frustrated I was last night and what was his response?
He texted back: LOL!
(Um, really? he was 'laughing out loud' at me?)
This didn't help my mood people - it wasn't funny.

He told me he knew I was going to flip-out and was just waiting for it, but promises that I will love the series if I just stick with it.

Ugh. Even though at the moment it pains me, I guess I will take his word for it.

Although, I plan on waiting a few days to start the next one.
Only because I know it's going to take me that long to lose this bad attitude that I have about it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's the little things.

When we sleep, Lee works.
When he is home for his 4 days off  he tries his best to stay on that same scehdule.

Last night, while I was catching my Z's, Lee decides to remind me (again) just how lucky I am to have him for a husband.

I have a photo shoot in Wilsonville today and had about a hundred other things that needed to be done before I left.

So, what did he do for me last night?
He went and gassed up my car, ran it through the car wash, and ran by the ATM to get me some cash - pretty much chopping 30 minutes off of my already hectic morning schedule... just because.

Yep. This guy of mine.

He's a keeper.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011