...when I haven't blogged in FIVE days.
This is because this past weekend consisted of CRAZINESS.
We started Friday with 'date-night' to celebrate our anniversary.
[Which was fantastic BTW.]
Then Saturday - I spent the morning taking pictures, the afternoon - grocery shopping, and the evening - editing those pictures.
Sunday we had Mr. Cash's 2nd birthday - then a Scentsy party - then dinner @ the Hughes house.
Late that night we got a call from Lee's Mom letting us know that Grandma Norene had fallen again, but this time - broke her hip.
We spent some time yesterday and more time today at the hospital while she had her surgery.
[Fortunately, it went very well, and she is doing better]
And, Somehow? Amongst all this - I even managed to get my tree up.
But, starting tomorrow - the hectic-ness continues:
I have a house to clean and finish decorating, laundry to do, grocery shopping to get done, a boys hair to cut, and a turkey to prepare for dinner on Thursday.
Luckily, Lee will be home to HELP me. [Poor husband] I'd be stressing pretty bad if he wasn't.
[Oh, who am I kidding? I'm 'stressing' anyway.]
All kidding aside though - I am really looking forward to Football on Thangsgiving morning [Yes. Even if it is in the FREEZING cold] and dinner with the family later in the day.
And it was a lovely Thanksgiving dinner Heather, and your tree is absolutly gorgeous! Thanks you so much.