Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Are we REALLY singing 'Happy Birthday' to the DOG?

That is exactly what I woke up to this morning.
The kids singing the 'happy birthday' song to Bentlee.
Today he is a year old, and I guess that warrants a party for him?
Well, not in my oppinion.

Its hard to believe that he's that big already.
I know, I know... he's not a child.
But, he IS part of our family.

I remember when we first brought him home and how he'd crawl under the couch - where we couldn't reach him, and get his butt stuck, [The kids would laugh hysterically] or when we would spend HOURS playing with him before bed so he'd actually SLEEP for us at night.
I also remember 'house' training him. [Oh, yes - and having the urge to KILL him numerous times.]

And Now?
Well, he still drives me crazy almost daily, and his little quirks can be annoying but honestly - I wouldn't know what to do without him.

I'd miss him cuddling with me on the nights that Lee works, or him following me room-to-room while I clean house, or him whining everytime I slip on my shoes - because he wants to go wherever I am going.
I'd miss him under my feet at my computer, and his little nose under the bathroom door when I am trying to soak in the tub. I'd probably even miss how excited he gets whenever we have company over. [Although, this is - hands down my LEAST favorite thing about him.]

Honestly. He's the most AWESOME-EST dog. Ever.

So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bentlee-boy.
We love you big guy. :]

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