Monday, November 29, 2010
Moments like these.
Two nights ago - Lee was awesome enough to offer to clean the entire kitchen after dinner.
I offered to help - but he refused to let me.
I got to sit on my butt and channel surf while he did all the work.
It was HEAVEN.
But, the next morning?
Me: 'Um, Lee? Did you TURN ON the dishwasher last night?'
[I asked this after putting EVERYTHING away - then discovering that the silverware looked dirty.]
Lee: 'Ooops - I think I forgot.'
Yep - moments like these... make me want to kill him.
I had to take a minute, take a deep breath, and tell myself that 'he tried' at least.
However, I won't lie... It wasn't the easiest thing to do. :]
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I thought I had [at least] a few more years.
But, nope.
It happened a few days ago.
Kaylee was in MY closet, asking if she could borrow a tank top.
Now, of course it didn't totally fit her right - but my point is:
My little girl is growing up just a little too fast for my liking.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Christmas in November?
Well, it's looking like it at OUR house.
Today, the shopping season officially started.
For the first time in my life, I was out there with the crazy people - instead of staying home and making fun of them.
[Yep. that's right. We pulled an all-nighter and I am currently going on 30 HOURS with NO sleep.]
What can I say? We were maniacs on a mission.
I must admit - it was totally nuts, but I AM happy with my findings, and I got a huge jump-start on buying presents
[My plan is to be done by next weekend.]
Let's HOPE that happens.
Today, the shopping season officially started.
For the first time in my life, I was out there with the crazy people - instead of staying home and making fun of them.
[Yep. that's right. We pulled an all-nighter and I am currently going on 30 HOURS with NO sleep.]
What can I say? We were maniacs on a mission.
I must admit - it was totally nuts, but I AM happy with my findings, and I got a huge jump-start on buying presents
[My plan is to be done by next weekend.]
Let's HOPE that happens.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
You know I've been busy...
...when I haven't blogged in FIVE days.
This is because this past weekend consisted of CRAZINESS.
We started Friday with 'date-night' to celebrate our anniversary.
[Which was fantastic BTW.]
Then Saturday - I spent the morning taking pictures, the afternoon - grocery shopping, and the evening - editing those pictures.
Sunday we had Mr. Cash's 2nd birthday - then a Scentsy party - then dinner @ the Hughes house.
Late that night we got a call from Lee's Mom letting us know that Grandma Norene had fallen again, but this time - broke her hip.
We spent some time yesterday and more time today at the hospital while she had her surgery.
[Fortunately, it went very well, and she is doing better]
And, Somehow? Amongst all this - I even managed to get my tree up.
But, starting tomorrow - the hectic-ness continues:
I have a house to clean and finish decorating, laundry to do, grocery shopping to get done, a boys hair to cut, and a turkey to prepare for dinner on Thursday.
Luckily, Lee will be home to HELP me. [Poor husband] I'd be stressing pretty bad if he wasn't.
[Oh, who am I kidding? I'm 'stressing' anyway.]
All kidding aside though - I am really looking forward to Football on Thangsgiving morning [Yes. Even if it is in the FREEZING cold] and dinner with the family later in the day.
This is because this past weekend consisted of CRAZINESS.
We started Friday with 'date-night' to celebrate our anniversary.
[Which was fantastic BTW.]
Then Saturday - I spent the morning taking pictures, the afternoon - grocery shopping, and the evening - editing those pictures.
Sunday we had Mr. Cash's 2nd birthday - then a Scentsy party - then dinner @ the Hughes house.
Late that night we got a call from Lee's Mom letting us know that Grandma Norene had fallen again, but this time - broke her hip.
We spent some time yesterday and more time today at the hospital while she had her surgery.
[Fortunately, it went very well, and she is doing better]
And, Somehow? Amongst all this - I even managed to get my tree up.
But, starting tomorrow - the hectic-ness continues:
I have a house to clean and finish decorating, laundry to do, grocery shopping to get done, a boys hair to cut, and a turkey to prepare for dinner on Thursday.
Luckily, Lee will be home to HELP me. [Poor husband] I'd be stressing pretty bad if he wasn't.
[Oh, who am I kidding? I'm 'stressing' anyway.]
All kidding aside though - I am really looking forward to Football on Thangsgiving morning [Yes. Even if it is in the FREEZING cold] and dinner with the family later in the day.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A decade.
10 years ago - today.
I married my best friend.
Wow. A decade.
Sounds kinda crazy when I ‘say it like that.’
A couple of apartments, a few cars, 2 kids, a new house, and a dog later… and here we are – living a life I am proud of.
And in those years? We’ve learned a few things about one another.
We know each others stories.
We know each others dreams.
Our fears and favorites.
We know each others quirks.
Our hang-ups.
And he knows my heart, better than anyone.
Saying that I feel lucky to get to share my life with this guy – would be an understatement.
[Yep. I totally hit the jack-pot with this one.]
So, Happy Anniversary hubby – I [HEART] you.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
...and the list CONTINUES.
Back in August - I decided to share some of my 'pet-peeves' with everyone.
Well? Here are some more:
11.) Fast-Food Commercials.
Shame on them for FALSE advertisement.
12.) Lee's IPOD playlist.
Ok, so he thinks that it's painful for him to listen to my music? PLEASE.
[I'm actually thinking about buying him a nice pair of headphones for him to use... in the car.]
13.) Vehicles that are shaped like ice cubes.
YEP. I'm not kidding. Saw one yesterday.
The person behind me actually honked for me to GO when the light turned green. I just couldn't stop staring. I was lost in thought thinking to myself: who would make a car that looked like that? Wait. Even worse... who would buy a car that looked like that?
14.) BOYS that sport the 'shag' hairstyle.
Um... I've just got 3 words for them.
15.) People that treat their DOGS like they are children.
If I see one more chihuahua sitting in a shopping cart, dressed in a pink skirt with a bow on top of its head INSIDE the GROCERY store - I am going to scream!
16.) People that think the PERFECT time to take a phone call is while they are in line somewhere.
Maybe it's because I work retail? Or maybe it's because it's just plain RUDE? But, this is one of the worst ones in my book. It seriously drives me crazy, and I know at some point in my lifetime - the person in front of me doing it? Oh, they are going to hear about it.
17.) People that don't undertstand that decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving IS okay.
Yes, HUSBAND... I am talking to you.
...and last but not least?
18.) The fact that my own son likes to WEAR skinny jeans now.
Seriously. What horrible thing did I ever do to deserve this?
Well? Here are some more:
11.) Fast-Food Commercials.
Shame on them for FALSE advertisement.
12.) Lee's IPOD playlist.
Ok, so he thinks that it's painful for him to listen to my music? PLEASE.
[I'm actually thinking about buying him a nice pair of headphones for him to use... in the car.]
13.) Vehicles that are shaped like ice cubes.
YEP. I'm not kidding. Saw one yesterday.
The person behind me actually honked for me to GO when the light turned green. I just couldn't stop staring. I was lost in thought thinking to myself: who would make a car that looked like that? Wait. Even worse... who would buy a car that looked like that?
14.) BOYS that sport the 'shag' hairstyle.
Um... I've just got 3 words for them.
15.) People that treat their DOGS like they are children.
If I see one more chihuahua sitting in a shopping cart, dressed in a pink skirt with a bow on top of its head INSIDE the GROCERY store - I am going to scream!
16.) People that think the PERFECT time to take a phone call is while they are in line somewhere.
Maybe it's because I work retail? Or maybe it's because it's just plain RUDE? But, this is one of the worst ones in my book. It seriously drives me crazy, and I know at some point in my lifetime - the person in front of me doing it? Oh, they are going to hear about it.
17.) People that don't undertstand that decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving IS okay.
Yes, HUSBAND... I am talking to you.
...and last but not least?
18.) The fact that my own son likes to WEAR skinny jeans now.
Seriously. What horrible thing did I ever do to deserve this?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Are we REALLY singing 'Happy Birthday' to the DOG?
That is exactly what I woke up to this morning.
The kids singing the 'happy birthday' song to Bentlee.
Today he is a year old, and I guess that warrants a party for him?
Well, not in my oppinion.
Its hard to believe that he's that big already.
I know, I know... he's not a child.
But, he IS part of our family.
I remember when we first brought him home and how he'd crawl under the couch - where we couldn't reach him, and get his butt stuck, [The kids would laugh hysterically] or when we would spend HOURS playing with him before bed so he'd actually SLEEP for us at night.
I also remember 'house' training him. [Oh, yes - and having the urge to KILL him numerous times.]
And Now?
Well, he still drives me crazy almost daily, and his little quirks can be annoying but honestly - I wouldn't know what to do without him.
I'd miss him cuddling with me on the nights that Lee works, or him following me room-to-room while I clean house, or him whining everytime I slip on my shoes - because he wants to go wherever I am going.
I'd miss him under my feet at my computer, and his little nose under the bathroom door when I am trying to soak in the tub. I'd probably even miss how excited he gets whenever we have company over. [Although, this is - hands down my LEAST favorite thing about him.]
Honestly. He's the most AWESOME-EST dog. Ever.
So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bentlee-boy.
We love you big guy. :]
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The price I pay to let them 'express' themselves.
As everyone already knows - I am NOT a fan of the 'skinny' jean.
Becca used to agree with me and then something [I have NO IDEA what] happened to her.
The next thing I know? She was buying them for HER boys!
I loved giving her crap about it, and did so - any chance that I got.
But recently? That totally back-fired.
Ben grew out of a pair and she gave them to my child.
Now, honestly I was thinking [to myself] of course: 'Nah, he'll never wear them... I will just pass them down to Kaleb.'
Then? She goes: 'Lay Lay! Come here!! I wanna try these on you!' [I cringed.]
And Layton? Well, he LOVED THEM.
Every single day since then - he begged me to let him wear them to school.
Finally, I agreed. [ONLY because I was SICK of hearing him ask.]
And yesterday morning? Well, it was honestly painful for me.
I had to fight the urge to tell him to change 3 different times - and then Lee even told me: 'you better let him wear those. He likes them. That's all that should matter.'
[WAIT. WHAT? This? Coming from the guy who used to comment on all the 'skaters' down the street who wore them? If I recall - he stated OFTEN how boys should not be allowed to wear 'pants like that.']
Pshhh - seriously. WHATEVER.
So, he scooted out the door with a smile on his face, then returned home and happily announced how much EVERYONE loved his pants.
I then thought to myself: 'well, they won't fit him for that much longer' - and this made me feel better.
Then? I remembered that Ben has a closet FULL of more - and I am POSITIVE that Becca will be more than HAPPY to pass those along.
Yep. What are best friends for - right?
Becca used to agree with me and then something [I have NO IDEA what] happened to her.
The next thing I know? She was buying them for HER boys!
I loved giving her crap about it, and did so - any chance that I got.
But recently? That totally back-fired.
Ben grew out of a pair and she gave them to my child.
Now, honestly I was thinking [to myself] of course: 'Nah, he'll never wear them... I will just pass them down to Kaleb.'
Then? She goes: 'Lay Lay! Come here!! I wanna try these on you!' [I cringed.]
And Layton? Well, he LOVED THEM.
Every single day since then - he begged me to let him wear them to school.
Finally, I agreed. [ONLY because I was SICK of hearing him ask.]
And yesterday morning? Well, it was honestly painful for me.
I had to fight the urge to tell him to change 3 different times - and then Lee even told me: 'you better let him wear those. He likes them. That's all that should matter.'
[WAIT. WHAT? This? Coming from the guy who used to comment on all the 'skaters' down the street who wore them? If I recall - he stated OFTEN how boys should not be allowed to wear 'pants like that.']
Pshhh - seriously. WHATEVER.
So, he scooted out the door with a smile on his face, then returned home and happily announced how much EVERYONE loved his pants.
I then thought to myself: 'well, they won't fit him for that much longer' - and this made me feel better.
Then? I remembered that Ben has a closet FULL of more - and I am POSITIVE that Becca will be more than HAPPY to pass those along.
Yep. What are best friends for - right?
Monday, November 8, 2010
I am known to have chronic back pain from time to time.
I blame it on the scoliosis that [unfortunatley] runs in my family - and the fact that I have the WORSE case of it.
I was just 'bragging' to Becca about a month ago about how long it had been since I have had a flare-up.
Here I am - confined to the couch until who-knows-when.
I am able to get around - at least to make trips to the bathroom - but it's a painful task.
[I have also noticed that in these trips - I am constantly dropping ANYTHING that is in my path.] Seriously? WHAT. THE. HELL.
It usually results in conversations like these:
'Crap! Lee? The hair brush fell off the counter.' [or] 'Babe? I dropped my socks.' [or] 'Dammit. Lee? I can't get my Pajama pants on.'
And he always replies: [Sweet as can be] 'Ok. I got it.'
Luckily, he is home with me until tomorrow and he is able to help me.
[If he was working - I'd be so screwed.]
I find him rather cute actually - because he goes into Dr. Mode.
Making sure I am taking my ibuprofin, switching my ice packs and heating packs non-stop, bringing me food. drinks, and giving me massages every couple of hours.
[Yeah, THAT part is pretty hard to complain about.]
He's been AMAZING.
All I have to say about this whole experience?
I blame it on the scoliosis that [unfortunatley] runs in my family - and the fact that I have the WORSE case of it.
I was just 'bragging' to Becca about a month ago about how long it had been since I have had a flare-up.
Here I am - confined to the couch until who-knows-when.
I am able to get around - at least to make trips to the bathroom - but it's a painful task.
[I have also noticed that in these trips - I am constantly dropping ANYTHING that is in my path.] Seriously? WHAT. THE. HELL.
It usually results in conversations like these:
'Crap! Lee? The hair brush fell off the counter.' [or] 'Babe? I dropped my socks.' [or] 'Dammit. Lee? I can't get my Pajama pants on.'
And he always replies: [Sweet as can be] 'Ok. I got it.'
Luckily, he is home with me until tomorrow and he is able to help me.
[If he was working - I'd be so screwed.]
I find him rather cute actually - because he goes into Dr. Mode.
Making sure I am taking my ibuprofin, switching my ice packs and heating packs non-stop, bringing me food. drinks, and giving me massages every couple of hours.
[Yeah, THAT part is pretty hard to complain about.]
He's been AMAZING.
All I have to say about this whole experience?
Friday, November 5, 2010
I SWEAR - I am not trying to kill my child.
Mr. Layton was diagnosed with a double-ear infection in the beginning of this week and since then - I have been religious about giving him his antibiotics every day.
Yesterday though - I noticed that the bottle was looking rather empty.
I thought to myself: there is NO way that is going to last for as many days as he needs it. They didn't give him enough.
I then read the bottle and it CLEARLY said: 3 teaspoofulls 2 times daily.
My first thought: well, CRAP. I've been overdosing the poor kid.
[Apparently, I miss-read it.]
I was giving his 3 teaspoonfulls THREE times daily for 4 days straight.
Yeah, talk about feeling like a HORRIBLE mother. The shame 'set in' quickly.
Luckily - the nurse asvised me that it won't harm him, but also to just make sure I read the 'instructions' next time.
Will do.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Crazy? Ok - maybe just a little.
At Target yesterday - while in the process of picking up Layton's prescription, I noticed something:
The entire seasonal area was FULL of CHRISTMAS.
I almost lost it.
It was the day after Halloween and completely stocked.
[Honestly? I had to seriously refrain from screaming out in excitement.]
I enjoyed walking down the aisles and seeing all the sparkly ornaments and awesome home decor.
[And - yes. I bought some.] I just couldn't help it.
Christmas decorating is usually my favorite thing to do [before Thansgiving] every year anyway.
And this year? Well - I'am totally FREAKING out. Mainly because I am changing the entire theme of the house and I can't wait to see it finished.
The linen closet already has bags stuffed full of decor, and I have the long list 'etched in my mind' of what else I need to pick up.
Of course, the hubster is completely irritated about this.
But, Me? Pshhh - I am totally loving it.
The entire seasonal area was FULL of CHRISTMAS.
I almost lost it.
It was the day after Halloween and completely stocked.
[Honestly? I had to seriously refrain from screaming out in excitement.]
I enjoyed walking down the aisles and seeing all the sparkly ornaments and awesome home decor.
[And - yes. I bought some.] I just couldn't help it.
Christmas decorating is usually my favorite thing to do [before Thansgiving] every year anyway.
And this year? Well - I'am totally FREAKING out. Mainly because I am changing the entire theme of the house and I can't wait to see it finished.
The linen closet already has bags stuffed full of decor, and I have the long list 'etched in my mind' of what else I need to pick up.
Of course, the hubster is completely irritated about this.
But, Me? Pshhh - I am totally loving it.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween - this year.
Layton was sick - but somehow in good spirits.
Kaylee's best friend Madi joined us and Lee spent FOREVER on their make-up.
We had Pizza for dinner [instead of the taco's that I planned on making] since the table and counters were covered in CRAP needed for face-painting.
We met at Tammy and Duanes first to check out his 'creepy porch' that he spent the morning fixing up.
[Pretty impressive. BTW.]
We walked the streets for a bit with all the kids running ahead of us.
The Bestie was a total GRUMP. [But, yeah - I still LOVE her to death.]
Kaylee's $50 costume was ripped in half before we hit the 3rd house.
Layton wanted his mask off his face half-way through trick-or-treating since he couldn't breathe - thanks to his stuffed up nose and throbbing sinuses.
Little Miss Sydney kept dropping her candy bucket while trying to grab a treat. [Pretty cute. Actually.]
Madi's feet hurt - and we KNEW about it.
We ended the night at the Bennetts house to catch the 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' episode.
[It was kinda crazy seeing people on T.V. that are regulars at my work - kinda cool too.]
My favorite part of the evening had to be Sydney's end-less hugs that she was giving out to the family during the show - oh, and of course, the moment she said: 'here you go' PLAIN. AS. DAY while handing me the bag of suckers.
[Totally AWESOME moment for this Auntie.]
So - to sum it all up.
We had no rain, we had no tears, and we had plenty of candy for all kids involved.

In my oppinion? I'd call that a successful Halloween.
Kaylee's best friend Madi joined us and Lee spent FOREVER on their make-up.
We had Pizza for dinner [instead of the taco's that I planned on making] since the table and counters were covered in CRAP needed for face-painting.
We met at Tammy and Duanes first to check out his 'creepy porch' that he spent the morning fixing up.
[Pretty impressive. BTW.]
We walked the streets for a bit with all the kids running ahead of us.
The Bestie was a total GRUMP. [But, yeah - I still LOVE her to death.]
Kaylee's $50 costume was ripped in half before we hit the 3rd house.
Layton wanted his mask off his face half-way through trick-or-treating since he couldn't breathe - thanks to his stuffed up nose and throbbing sinuses.
Little Miss Sydney kept dropping her candy bucket while trying to grab a treat. [Pretty cute. Actually.]
Madi's feet hurt - and we KNEW about it.
We ended the night at the Bennetts house to catch the 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' episode.
[It was kinda crazy seeing people on T.V. that are regulars at my work - kinda cool too.]
My favorite part of the evening had to be Sydney's end-less hugs that she was giving out to the family during the show - oh, and of course, the moment she said: 'here you go' PLAIN. AS. DAY while handing me the bag of suckers.
[Totally AWESOME moment for this Auntie.]
So - to sum it all up.
We had no rain, we had no tears, and we had plenty of candy for all kids involved.

In my oppinion? I'd call that a successful Halloween.
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