Last week Kaylee spent a few days with my parents.
When she got home she told me she found something of mine - then handed me one of my old photo albums from High School.
It INSTANTLY took me back.
Inside were pictures of all my 'old' friends.
It's funny how pictures can bring back memories and almost make you 're-live' them.
I remembered the relationships, the friendships, and endless memories.
I remembered the fights, the drama, and all of the silly-ness of being a teenager.
I remembered the laughs, the tears, and the feeling that we would never drift apart.
Then? Life happened.
After graduation - some moved away, some went to college, and then there was me: I got married, and started my family.
Of course it wasn't going to be the same. But, back then?
We had no clue.
I pulled out old photos of years ago, of when Lee and I had just started out.
Again - it's funny how quickly you can 'go back' to that place in your life.
Man, we were different back then.
I was different. He was different.
Just starting our life together with a baby on the way.
I was happy, in-love and scared shit-less.
We experienced so many emotions, and struggles & we made it through some tough times together. Throughout those hardships - I finally found the true meaning of love.
I stumbled upon pictures of me pregnant with Layton, and remembered how freaked out I felt to be having a boy.
I actually would lay awake at night and worry that I wouldn't know what to do with him.
Looking at him now? I couldn't imagine my life without my little-man.
There were photos of Kaylee holding him for the first time, pictures of them in the bath together, pictures of them painting pumpkins on his first Halloween.
Endless pictures - of this awesome family of mine that God has blessed me with.
It made me realize that my friendships back then were even different.
I only had a few close ones, and truly believed that nothing would ever change that.
Then? Life happened.
I have learned that people change - and when that happens the dynamic of friendships change with it.
It took me awhile to accept it, or even understand it.
But looking back now? I'm ok with it.
It's all part of this journey.
There were pictures of beach trips, Christmases, and birthdays.
Pictures of my nieces when they were babies.
Pictures of church functions - VBS, and Harvest Festival.
Pictures of Hawaii.
Pictures of Vegas.
Pictures at the lake.
Pictures of the kids - starting school.
Pictures of the kids - playing in the snow.
Pictures of camping trips with my parents.
Pictures of friends - old and new.
Pictures... just endless pictures - each one helping me to remember.
I look at my life right now - and I feel so honored to live it.
I love my family, I love my friends, and I feel so blessed to have them to share it with.
I can't imagine it changing - but after going through all these photographs?
Well, I know that's just crazy.
I look forward to what's ahead - knowing that some things will be good, but some will be bad.
I look forward to 'looking back' in 10 years from now, and having these same feelings.
Feelings of sadness and happiness...
All at the same time.
Oh my sweet girl, I am so happy to be in this book of your memories and future memories, we truly are blessed to have you in our family.
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