Every year at the kids' school they do 'vocabulary day' in place of Halloween.
I get it. I totally get it ... but, I still don't like it.
They both pick a word - then they have to make a hat that goes with it.
Problem is? The NEVER want to make the hat.
They just tell me what word they want, and the rest? It's up to Mom.
I don't really understand why that is - being that they LOVE to do crafts normally, but for some reason, every year when it comes to this - it's the same.
Kaylee's word was 'PARTY' and Layton's was "FIRE.'
I never take too much time on doing these projects, and this year was no different.
A trip to the Dollar Tree - and there you have it.
Two silly looking hats - for two appreciative kids:
[Please note: This picture KILLS me - but it was taken VERY quickly on my way out the door this morning. I didn't even look at it on my viewing screen like I normally would have. (As you can tell.) Seriously though - WHAT is UP with Kaylee's face?]
What do you mean, Kaylee's face looks adorable!