Saturday, September 18, 2010

If this dog could talk.

Based on the MANY expressions that we see on his face daily, I imagine that he could tell us a few things.
I'm guessing that he would tell me just how ridiculous I sound when I talk to him.
He'd probably explain why he likes Lee more than me. (Which I would still have a hard time understanding).
He'd most likely have a few choice words for the cat, and I am sure she'd have a response for him that he's pretty used to - which is usually a loud hiss, and a swat to the face.
He'd explain why the t.v. remote tastes better than his toys, and why he prefers to sit in the car while I wash it in the driveway.
He'd tell me why he doesn't like sleeping at the foot of the bed on the nights that Lee works, and why he prefers camping out in Laytons room instead.
He'd probably tell me that I clean too much, and how much he misses us when we leave him home alone.
He'd tell us why he likes to sit on our faces [literally] when we are lying on the floor.  
[However, I am guessing that this is only because it's absolutely HILARIOUS.]
He'd say that he hates his bath, and that he loves playing fetch in the house.
He'd explain why he likes to drink from the toilet even when he has fresh water in his bowl.
He'd translate his 'chubaka talk' and tell us that he LOVES playing hide-and-seek with his dad.
He'd tell us why it is impossible for him to sit still when we pet him, and how much he dis-likes the fence that shocks the crap out of him.
He'd tell us why he likes the taste of aluminum cans, and why he prefers to wait until we are sound asleep before he crawls onto our bed just to lick himself.
He'd explain why he likes to hang his head out the window when we drive down the road, and we would probably find out once and for all where he hides all of his dog bones.
Yeah, If this dog could talk - I'm guessing he'd for sure have a lot to say.

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