With this crazy schedule we have been trying so hard to keep up with lately - Lee and I discoverd something while doing the budget last week.
We have been spending a FORTUNE on fast-food.
With no time, and hungry kids after a late practice or game - it's just been way easier to swing by a window on the way home.
We both find it CRAZY at how quickly it adds up.
So, after a mini-panic attack and some brainstorming - we both came to the same conclusion: this has to stop.
I sat down the next day and made a dinner menu for the week.
Now, I have been teasing Becca for years about her menu on the side of her fridge - and WHY? I have no clue.
It really IS genius.
I am such a planned out, and structured person anyway - I really don't understand why it took me so long to do it.
Makes it SO.MUCH.EASIER. Really
The plan is: FOUR crock-pot meals a week - on the days we have practices, games, or any other planned activity.
I got on-line and printed off recipes and the ones we have had so far?
They're quick, super easy, and it gives us variety.
[PLUS: I don't get an instant headache everytime I look at the bank account.]
It's just what I needed to make this 'crazy thing that we call life' here lately- a little more simple, and a lot less stressful.
Great job, you are a great wife and mommy, too.