Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I'm not one who likes a whole lot of candy.
But, EVERY year around this time?
The evil orange-white-and-yellow ones tempt me.
I usually fight the urge and know better than to buy a bag, but with them being our 'drive item' at work this week - I just couldn't fight it anymore.
They've practically been IN.MY.FACE the last 2 days - while I have to ask EVERY single customer: 'would you like to purchase a bag of candy corn today?'
So yeah, I caved.
[It's not like I had a chance.]
After my shift - I bought them, and after I got home - I ate them.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
He doesn't 'do' mornings.
Only 3 weeks into the school year, and it's obvious.
Layton is NOT a morning person.
It takes him 20 (extra) minutes to 'wake up', then he drags butt during breakfast, while getting dressed, and while brushing his teeth.
[This might have something to do with the fact, that he's never had to be up early on a regular basis. Ever.]
He's known to be super cranky, extra moody, and definitely not my 'favorite little man' at 7 in the morning.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Who needs school pictures?
They usually turn out looking crappy anyway.
With the standard 'sit-up straight - tilt your head slightly - and give me a fake smile' pose.
Last year I vowed that never again would I throw away my money on pictures that I always ended up hating.
Instead? I'd take them myself.
So, today - we did just that.
The kids and I ventured out and (luckily) got a few good ones.
[And, I must say - my kids totally ROCK when it comes to cooperating.]
I think that they actually understand just how important it is to me to capture these moments of them.
I also think that they kind of like being the center of attention.
Hmmm - go figure.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The crock-pot: a busy mom's BEST FRIEND.
With this crazy schedule we have been trying so hard to keep up with lately - Lee and I discoverd something while doing the budget last week.
We have been spending a FORTUNE on fast-food.
With no time, and hungry kids after a late practice or game - it's just been way easier to swing by a window on the way home.
We both find it CRAZY at how quickly it adds up.
So, after a mini-panic attack and some brainstorming - we both came to the same conclusion: this has to stop.
I sat down the next day and made a dinner menu for the week.
Now, I have been teasing Becca for years about her menu on the side of her fridge - and WHY? I have no clue.
It really IS genius.
I am such a planned out, and structured person anyway - I really don't understand why it took me so long to do it.
Makes it SO.MUCH.EASIER. Really
The plan is: FOUR crock-pot meals a week - on the days we have practices, games, or any other planned activity.
I got on-line and printed off recipes and the ones we have had so far?
They're quick, super easy, and it gives us variety.
[PLUS: I don't get an instant headache everytime I look at the bank account.]
It's just what I needed to make this 'crazy thing that we call life' here lately- a little more simple, and a lot less stressful.
We have been spending a FORTUNE on fast-food.
With no time, and hungry kids after a late practice or game - it's just been way easier to swing by a window on the way home.
We both find it CRAZY at how quickly it adds up.
So, after a mini-panic attack and some brainstorming - we both came to the same conclusion: this has to stop.
I sat down the next day and made a dinner menu for the week.
Now, I have been teasing Becca for years about her menu on the side of her fridge - and WHY? I have no clue.
It really IS genius.
I am such a planned out, and structured person anyway - I really don't understand why it took me so long to do it.
Makes it SO.MUCH.EASIER. Really
The plan is: FOUR crock-pot meals a week - on the days we have practices, games, or any other planned activity.
I got on-line and printed off recipes and the ones we have had so far?
They're quick, super easy, and it gives us variety.
[PLUS: I don't get an instant headache everytime I look at the bank account.]
It's just what I needed to make this 'crazy thing that we call life' here lately- a little more simple, and a lot less stressful.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
This kid CRACKS me up. Once again.
I had the FUSE music channel on this evening - listening to random videos.
One came on that I didn't recognize, and after seeing the first 3 seconds of an annoying girl dancing in a hideous and 'barely there' bikini - I (sarcastically) said out loud: Yeah, I think someone forgot to put her pants on.
I then walked into the kitchen to put a glass in the sink - when I heard Layton call out [in a very concerned voice] - Uh-oh... mommy? I think all those girls forgot to put their pants on.
One came on that I didn't recognize, and after seeing the first 3 seconds of an annoying girl dancing in a hideous and 'barely there' bikini - I (sarcastically) said out loud: Yeah, I think someone forgot to put her pants on.
I then walked into the kitchen to put a glass in the sink - when I heard Layton call out [in a very concerned voice] - Uh-oh... mommy? I think all those girls forgot to put their pants on.
Monday, September 20, 2010
We had the honor of watching little miss Essie [our favorite 3 year old] for a couple of hours.
We played 'doll house' - FOREVER, read books, and watched a show called imagination movers.
[Ok. I HAVE to stop for a sec, and just say something: Essie (of course) LOVED it... but me? Um, by the end of it - I kind of wanted to shoot myself.]
I enjoyed watching her play with Bentlee and even more - our many conversations.
Listening to her explain something has to be the most commical thing. Ever.
Her energy level makes me feel old and her spunky little personality makes me smile.
This girl is one AWESOME kid.
Yeah, we [heart] her.
We played 'doll house' - FOREVER, read books, and watched a show called imagination movers.
[Ok. I HAVE to stop for a sec, and just say something: Essie (of course) LOVED it... but me? Um, by the end of it - I kind of wanted to shoot myself.]
I enjoyed watching her play with Bentlee and even more - our many conversations.
Listening to her explain something has to be the most commical thing. Ever.
Her energy level makes me feel old and her spunky little personality makes me smile.
This girl is one AWESOME kid.
Yeah, we [heart] her.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
If this dog could talk.
Based on the MANY expressions that we see on his face daily, I imagine that he could tell us a few things.
I'm guessing that he would tell me just how ridiculous I sound when I talk to him.
He'd probably explain why he likes Lee more than me. (Which I would still have a hard time understanding).
He'd most likely have a few choice words for the cat, and I am sure she'd have a response for him that he's pretty used to - which is usually a loud hiss, and a swat to the face.
He'd explain why the t.v. remote tastes better than his toys, and why he prefers to sit in the car while I wash it in the driveway.
He'd tell me why he doesn't like sleeping at the foot of the bed on the nights that Lee works, and why he prefers camping out in Laytons room instead.
He'd probably tell me that I clean too much, and how much he misses us when we leave him home alone.
He'd tell us why he likes to sit on our faces [literally] when we are lying on the floor.
[However, I am guessing that this is only because it's absolutely HILARIOUS.]
He'd say that he hates his bath, and that he loves playing fetch in the house.
He'd explain why he likes to drink from the toilet even when he has fresh water in his bowl.
He'd translate his 'chubaka talk' and tell us that he LOVES playing hide-and-seek with his dad.
He'd tell us why it is impossible for him to sit still when we pet him, and how much he dis-likes the fence that shocks the crap out of him.
He'd tell us why he likes the taste of aluminum cans, and why he prefers to wait until we are sound asleep before he crawls onto our bed just to lick himself.
He'd explain why he likes to hang his head out the window when we drive down the road, and we would probably find out once and for all where he hides all of his dog bones.
Yeah, If this dog could talk - I'm guessing he'd for sure have a lot to say.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Game day.
Our lives these past 6 weeks have revolved around ONE thing. Football.
Layton has been working extra hard at practices and making TONS of progress with every one.
Tonight was his first game, and after watching him play?
One thing is for sure - this kid has been paying attention.
He's hitting hard, running like a champ, and blocking like a pro.
Our kick-ass family also joined us tonight.
They wore their SEAHAWKS apparel, brought their umbrellas and lawn chairs - then camped out in the rain just to watch him play.
It was a great feeling.
Not only did Layton give his all... his ENTIRE team was on their game.
Grandpa Lester even told me a few times just how impressed he was.
[...and this? This will be a BIG DEAL for Lee.]
So, not only did these little guys walk away with a HUGE win tonight.
They also walked away with big, BIG smiles - and a little something called PRIDE.
Monday, September 13, 2010
I will ALWAYS...
It's plain & simple people.
I am set in my ways.
Just ask Lee. The man KNOWS.
After 10 years, I haven't changed a bit when it comes to certain things.
Some are as follows:
I will always wear make-up - even if this means that I am just running the kids to school.
I will always REFUSE to wear shorts - I don't care if it is a-hundred-and-ten degrees outside.
I will always get annoyed instantly - if Lee leaves the water running while he brushes his teeth.
I will always check the doors 10-PLUS times at night - just to make SURE that they are locked.
I will always be a 'bad driver' in my husbands eyes - although, God KNOWS he isn't the only one that thinks this.
I will always get overwhelmed when my house is 'barely' dirty - I am a bit neurotic about this one.
I will always find america's funniest home vidoes WAY funnier than ANYONE watching it with me - you will know this by how loud my laugh is. [embarassing - really.]
I will always be too protective when it comes to my kids - man, they are really going to HATE me when they are in High School.
I will always have too many shoes - hopefully, someday I will have a bigger closet to accommodate for my little fetish.
I will always freak out on Lee when the T.V. is blaring - the guy drives me CRAZY if I can hear it when I pull in the driveway.
And, the one that CRACKS Lee up everytime before bed?
I always have to 'check' pillows and make sure that they are mine - I seriously CAN'T sleep if they get mixed up.
So, these things? They pretty much 'sum me up'.
Kinda interesting actually. After proof-reading this to Lee, he kept giving me MORE to write down.
[I must say - I was starting to feel a little bit like a kid on the playground. The one who always gets picked on by the schools biggest bully.]
Oh, well - I guess he can't help himself.
I did kinda ask for it.
I am set in my ways.
Just ask Lee. The man KNOWS.
After 10 years, I haven't changed a bit when it comes to certain things.
Some are as follows:
I will always wear make-up - even if this means that I am just running the kids to school.
I will always REFUSE to wear shorts - I don't care if it is a-hundred-and-ten degrees outside.
I will always get annoyed instantly - if Lee leaves the water running while he brushes his teeth.
I will always check the doors 10-PLUS times at night - just to make SURE that they are locked.
I will always be a 'bad driver' in my husbands eyes - although, God KNOWS he isn't the only one that thinks this.
I will always get overwhelmed when my house is 'barely' dirty - I am a bit neurotic about this one.
I will always find america's funniest home vidoes WAY funnier than ANYONE watching it with me - you will know this by how loud my laugh is. [embarassing - really.]
I will always be too protective when it comes to my kids - man, they are really going to HATE me when they are in High School.
I will always have too many shoes - hopefully, someday I will have a bigger closet to accommodate for my little fetish.
I will always freak out on Lee when the T.V. is blaring - the guy drives me CRAZY if I can hear it when I pull in the driveway.
And, the one that CRACKS Lee up everytime before bed?
I always have to 'check' pillows and make sure that they are mine - I seriously CAN'T sleep if they get mixed up.
So, these things? They pretty much 'sum me up'.
Kinda interesting actually. After proof-reading this to Lee, he kept giving me MORE to write down.
[I must say - I was starting to feel a little bit like a kid on the playground. The one who always gets picked on by the schools biggest bully.]
Oh, well - I guess he can't help himself.
I did kinda ask for it.
The talker.
I have noticed in the last few months [more than ever so far] at just how much Kaylee is growing up.
Of course it saddens me, but at the same time [in a strange way] - makes me feel extremely proud.
Her confidence is amazing, and her personality is one-of-a-kind.
Recently, I have ALSO noticed just how much this girl likes to talk.
Yep. Talk.
Now, I know it's a girl thing, and according to Lee - she 'gets it from her mother.'
But, sometimes... I get an instant headache from listening to her babble on and on and on... and on.
On the first day of school it took her the entire car ride home AND the time it took her to eat her after-school-snack, to explain her day.
I asked her how her over-night stay with her best friend Madi went on Saturday, and heard the play-by-play of all of their activities in GREAT detail.
She busted out laughing the other day when I stopped her mid-sentence to ask her is she ever breathes?
All kidding aside though, I do enjoy our mother-daughter chats.
More than she probably will ever know.
I'm aware that someday these on-going, drawn out conversations are something that I am really going to miss.
So, the plan is: to embrace them. [ALL of them] and just give her a bad time about it the WHOLE way.
[because, deep-deep down? She loves every minute of it.]
And, anytime she asks me if she can tell me something?
I'll just make sure I have about 45 minutes-to-an-hour to listen.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
One more thing to 'mark off' the list.
We picked up the kids' Halloween costumes today, and I am super thrilled.
The first reason being - we are DONE with it, and it's still early September. [YAY.]
The second being - they both found something they LOVED without me having to purchase them on-line. [YAY. Again.]
Kinda strange how 'together' I have been the past few months.
I was totally ahead of the game with back to school shopping, & now costumes are taken care of.
For a procrastinator like me? That's pretty impressive.
The first reason being - we are DONE with it, and it's still early September. [YAY.]
The second being - they both found something they LOVED without me having to purchase them on-line. [YAY. Again.]
Kinda strange how 'together' I have been the past few months.
I was totally ahead of the game with back to school shopping, & now costumes are taken care of.
For a procrastinator like me? That's pretty impressive.
Friday, September 10, 2010
See? Miracles DO happen.
I purchased my first pair of FLATS last week.
I know, I know... total SHOCKER.
Especially, coming from the girl who complains about her height constantly & who also lives in heels.
I must admit, I even surprised myself.
One thing I can PROMISE though.
You will NEVER, ever - ever - EVER... See me wearing them with skinny jeans.
I haven't completely lost my mind.
I know, I know... total SHOCKER.
Especially, coming from the girl who complains about her height constantly & who also lives in heels.
I must admit, I even surprised myself.
One thing I can PROMISE though.
You will NEVER, ever - ever - EVER... See me wearing them with skinny jeans.
I haven't completely lost my mind.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I was one of 'those' people today...
Yep, I was the that person holding up a long line at the grocery store because I forgot [Okay, LIE. I didn't forget] more like 'put-off' activating the new debit card when it came in the mail TWO weeks ago.
There I stood. All my groceries bagged, 10 or MORE people behind me- most of them giving me nasty looks, while I am on my cell phone trying to call the one-eight-hundred-number.
[Please Note: touch screens SUCK.]
Finally, after apologizing way too many times to EVERYONE.
I walked out of there feeling like a TOTAL idiot.
There I stood. All my groceries bagged, 10 or MORE people behind me- most of them giving me nasty looks, while I am on my cell phone trying to call the one-eight-hundred-number.
[Please Note: touch screens SUCK.]
Finally, after apologizing way too many times to EVERYONE.
I walked out of there feeling like a TOTAL idiot.
Being a Seahawk.
Layton is learning that with football - comes sore muscles & big bruises.
I am learning that apparently, the bigger the bruise, the better.
According to him, explaining where they come from makes him feel pretty COOL?
Hmmm. I guess that makes sense.
I am learning that apparently, the bigger the bruise, the better.
According to him, explaining where they come from makes him feel pretty COOL?
Hmmm. I guess that makes sense.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Bring on the CRAZY.
School is back in session as of today.
The kids were excited, and I was running around the house like a crazy person trying to make sure that they were ON TIME.
Yep, that's about normal for a school morning around here.
I have a feeling that with Lee back to work this week, me - working evenings, football functions, PLUS homework - that we are in for a HECTIC fall schedule.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mmmm... It smells like Fall.
It probably has something to do with having a new house. Makes it WAY more fun.
Buying new things, and having it PERFECTLY match to my walls.
I think I probably clapped more than once while observing the results.
I went simple. No need to over-do it.
I hung some artifical leaves, bought new placemats in bold fall colors that are in the shapes of leaves & pumpkins, [LOVE them BTW] and bought a refill for the plug in that smells like caramel apples, and cinnamon sticks.
Yep. I have caught the fall bug.
Bring on the season. I'm ready for it.
Friday, September 3, 2010
These three.
Half the time the kids are bickering about nothing, the dog is barking for no reason, and most days I can't find a minute of peace and quiet in my own house.
But, [CRAZY as it sounds] these two little humans, and this furry large beast just have a way of making me feel totally blessed.
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