He can make top ramen, mac & cheese, and PB&J, but the rest?
The rest is left for me.
A lot of people have asked me if that drives me crazy, and honestly? No.
It's just how it is, and how it's always been, and besides I LOVE to cook, so I prefer it.
In the summer though, the dynamic changes a bit.
This man is KING of the grill.
He can BBQ like no one else, so I get a HUGE break in the summer months.
I always tease him and tell him how 'hot' it is when he cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen.
What he doesn't get, is that: I'm SERIOUS.
If I can get out of it for a night, I love him even more.
I have recently caught him watching the food network, and he told me this week that he was 'doing dinner' on Thursday.
As you can guess, I didn't argue.
I don't think he has EVER attempted to cook a meal IN THE KITCHEN by himself.
But, HOLY COW. It was amazing.
He made cheese-crusted chicken cutlets, with a tomato raw sauce, and homemade rice pilaf.
Um, yeah.
Wow Lee, mom is very "impressed". Maybe we need to send you to culinary school in Portland!