Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a few 'pet peeves' from my LONG list.

The last few days have made me realize just how easy it is for certain things to annoy the crap out of me.
At first, I thought that maybe I was just a little bit too uptight about things, but the more I think about it,
the more I feel justified, and I have a feeling that alot of people are probably totally with me on some of these:

1.) Fake people.
Save the 'overly nice' voice, and 'over the top' personality for someone that will buy it. I can tell when someone is not authentic, and its annoying.

2.) Rude people.
You are not better than me, so get over yourself.

3.) Parents who do not dicipline their children in a public place.
Okay, so some people may take offense to this one but, oh well.
I cannot STAND it when there is a child in the store screaming at the top of their lungs because they want something. They yell, and whine, and the parents just ignore them.
My advice? Take them outside and SPANK them.

4.) Drivers who STILL text while driving.
Okay, people. It's the law. Get off your phone and DRIVE! Oh, and next time you cut me off and almost kill me, because you are looking down? Depending on my mood, I might just run you off the road.

5.) Jealous people.
Jealousy is stupidity. Stop wanting what someone else has, and be happy for what's in your life.
Maybe I am being a little judgemental on this one, but jealousy is really something that I have never understood. People can make themselves miserable over it, and for what?

6.) People that don't wear bras in public.
Now, maybe this has something to do with my place of work, but I swear I see it everyday, and there is NOTHING okay about this.

7.) People that post EVERYTHING on their Facebook.
Um, there are some things that I (and probably everyone else on your 'friends' list) just doesn't want to hear about. So, please stop torturing us.

8.) People that don't text me back or take FOREVER to do so.
I don't know why but this one is a BIG one for me. Maybe because it takes you 2 seconds to reply? Yeah, it's just RUDE.

9.) The fact that my KIDS cannot sort laundry.
It's pretty easy. We have 2 laundry baskets in the laundry room. one for 'darks' and one for 'whites.' Kaylee and Layton have hampers in their rooms and every two days, it is their responsibility to empty them. But, no matter how many times I go over it, they still mess it up. Drives me NUTS.

10.) Skinny jeans.
C'mon, do I really need to explain this one?


  1. I am glad that 11:) was not listed as mother-in-laws! lol love ya girl!

  2. Wow! I must really annoy the s--- out of you! I am guilty of 8 out of 10 of your pet peeves.
