Thursday, September 10, 2009

The itsy-bitsy-spider.

The kids just LOVE to jump on our bed.
Go figure...
Last night they were in our room, playing, and you guessed it... jumping on the bed, when all of a sudden the giggles, and noise just STOPPED!
When I walked in to investigate. I see both of my children huddled up together by the wall just STARING at a spider.
This was our conversation:
Me: "Whatchya guys doin?"
The Kids: "Oh, just watchin' this spider, it's a daddy long legs."
Layton: "Careful, sissy. They bite."
Kaylee: "No they don't Layton."
Layton: "Uh-huh! Right Mom? Daddy and "mommy long legs" bite... right?
It was his PURE cuteness and seriousness that had me lauging so hard!
So, after clearing that one up. My "animal and creature loving" daughter decided to catch the spider and set him free.
Now, me? I SQUISH those nasty critters and flush them down the toilet.
Kaylee? Not a chance.
"That's mean Mom."
Okay... Whatever.
So, after getting her cup, and peice of paper... she slid him under, and there you have it.
She took him outside and let him loose.
I swear... that girl?
Um... yeah, she'll be a VET someday.
Her heart is SO BIG for ANYTHING that has more than 2 legs!

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