Oh, what a summer it's been.
School was out in June, and we were busy as can be right away!
Off we went to the beach for a fun-filled weekend with Lee's family. We were celebrateing Karen & Lesters anniversary. We stayed at the beach house, and we swam, played on the beach, and even visited the Oregon coast aquarium.
It was a blast!
Then, just a few weeks later, we were back again for the 4th of July. My parents treated us to a hotel stay for 2 nights, and we had a BBQ with Lee's family, and an AMAZING private firework show over the lake. It was the BEST I'd ever seen.
The look on Layton's face say's it all... The fireworks were THAT good! :)
Then... a few weeks later? We were back AGAIN!
Kaylee joined Girl Scouts in the Fall of 08'.
They had a "Beach trip" planned after they reached their goal while selling cookies.
We stayed the weekend, and had TONS of fun!
♥ My daughter ROCKS! ♥
We spent these past 3 months going, and going, oh... and going!
If we weren't BBQ-ing with great friends, we were swimming...
Man, We were at the pool A LOT!!
(Thanks to the Rose family, and their pool membership!)
Two great couples also got married this summer.
Randy and Angela & Nate and Sarah.
Both wedding's were beautiful... and a BLAST to attend.
We rode quads with the Rose's on a couple occasions...
BEST feeling in the WORLD!!
Little Miss Kaylee also cut her LONG hair and donated it to "Locks of Love."
Super proud of her for that...
...and Becca, Tirzah, and I all got the Idea to visit the Tattoo shop.
(Their 1st time... My 4th.)
My "end-result" from that adventure.
We also spent a lot of time with The Klassens this summer.
Can't get enough of them.
Michele has been my BEST friend for almost 15 years.
Anytime spent with her... is always a GREAT time!
The Beaver's game, was AWESOME!!
We were't home alot, but we were having FUN while we were gone.
I could go on, and on, about it in great detail, but we'd be here FOREVER!
To sum it up. It was a great season... My favorite.
Summer will be missed, but I'm super excited for the fall.
Oh, what will IT bring?
Thank you to our wonderful family for keeping our family a priority. Thank you Tammy & Duane and Rob Stevens, our 35th anniversary and the 4th of July this year were absolutely awesome!