I knew going into toddler-hood with Ava, that it was going to be a challenge. I remember with the older two, that it wasn't always fun. However, I totally forgot how NOT FUN certain moments can be.
The stubbornness, ohhhhh the stubbornness. Ava is the most independent, stubborn, and whiney child of them all and I find most days to be completely exhausting with her. I don't know if my age is a factor? Having had Kaylee and Layton at 19 and 22, but for some reason I find myself fighting the urge to lose it on a daily basis.
"I help you mama!" I hear this term all day, every day. And although I don't mind the help sometimes, it's the things she wants to help with that drive me insane. Flushing the toilet, oh boy - that's a big one. She has to flush the toilet ALL. THE. TIME. If she doesn't? She will scream at the top of her lungs. She also must push the start button on the dryer. I am no longer allowed. Pouring her juice, changing the channel on the tv, starting her shower.... The list goes on. The newest interest, is cooking with me. She has started to pull her little chair to the counter and try to climb on the stove. She learned real quick that that is a no-no.
Even with the hard, frustrating, and trying times with her being a toddler though, on the flip-side: this kid is full of awesome.
I can't believe how one little person can make me crazy one minute and completely happy and proud the next. She is seriously SO. MUCH. FUN.
Right at this very moment, she is belting out "let it go" into her Minnie Mouse microphone wearing just her panties and my high heels. I just said to her "that sounds so pretty Ava." She replies "oh, tanks mommy. Yo turn!"
She may be full of sass, but she's also completely perfect and I cherish these moments with her - both the good and the not-so-enjoyable ones.
Yesterday, she hopped up on my lap, grabbed my face and said "look at me mommy!" When I did, she said "I love you" then, she kissed my nose.
Those moments. Those are the ones that make this crazy ride called motherhood, so completely worth it.
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