-- She continues to be the busiest child that I have ever had and is now standing unassisted and cruising the furniture all the time. She has even started climbing things and I found her ON TOP of the end table last night. Because of her curiosity and new found abilities she is also hurting herself all the time. She has a huge bruise on her temple at the moment from diving face-first on the kitchen floor.
-- She absolutely loves feeding Bentlee a dog treat every day. She waits til he sits and then hands it to him. It's adorbs.
-- Speaking of feeding Bentlee - she likes to share her food from her highchair as well. Drives me crazy.
-- I think she is slowly weaning herself from nursing. It's more like a snack/playtime to her nowadays. She likes to play with my hair, grunt, giggle and latch and unlatch over and over and over during a feeding. The only time she will nurse for longer than 5 or 10 minutes is right before bed.
-- Her sleeping schedule is FINALLY getting better. I was convinced that she was trying to kill me up until about a week ago. She's been waking up twice for about that long and I am so thankful. I'm enjoying it, because I know once more teeth start popping up, we will be right back to sleepless nights.
-- No more army crawling. She now does the full on, hands-and-knees crawl and she is even FASTER than before.
-- She is really into sharing lately. She will take her binkie out of her mouth sometimes and try to shove it into mine. She also enjoys sharing her cheerios, slobbery fist and all. I just love her sweetness.
-- She is OBSESSED with the song Thrift shop. She can be pissed and throwing the worst tantrum until you turn it on. Then she stops, squeals and breaks out into dance.
-- She loves books and will play with her toys if you are on the floor with her. The only time she will stay interested for longer than 2 minutes is if she has a play mate. Otherwise? She would rather be into something that she shouldn't be.
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