-- Ava was up all day with only a morning nap but did AMAZING. She even tried to open a present or two but of course the best part for her was the paper - eating it preferably.
-- WE had to wake the kids up on Christmas morning which was crazy. Santa played a mean trick on them by bringing them coal. Inside was a note telling them to "be better next year" with a small message at the bottom of the page explaining that the elves thought it would be funny and that their gifts were under the tree. It was pretty cruel, but they handled it like champs and were excited to find brand new Android tablets wrapped for them.
-- I forgot my camera at Tammy's house the night before so only have crappy phone photos of Christmas morning. (Still a little peeved at myself about this one.)
-- The kids made out (like always) and I'm still trying to find space for all of their new stuff. Currently? Most of Ava's new toys litter the living room floor. Finding space for all of it is going to be a challenge.
Chistmas, check.
On to the NEW YEAR.
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