Sunday, August 19, 2012
Our life as of lately.
-- Today, is day 16 of having this nasty cold. I can't tell you the last time that I remember being this sick. It had me totally down for over a week and I found out the hard way that when you are nursing - you can't take cold medicine. So, I suffered. I'm better now, but still have to have a tissue in my hand 24/7, and have a cough that sounds like I have smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for all of my life. Yeah, being sick in summer shouldn't be possible. It sucks.
-- Speaking of summer. It has been HOT. We had a heat wave last week. Temperatures were in the 100's. I love warm weather but that? That's a little too warm for me. We ended most of those days with a night swim at the pool after dark.
-- Football practice is in full swing. Those poor kids even had to practice in the suffocating hotness. They were little troopers though, and we are super excited for the season.
-- Kaylee has been training her little butt off for her up and coming competition next month. Between her training and Laytons practices we have something every night of the week except for Sundays. It's crazy, and exhausting. Lee has been working more, so I have been picking up the slack - so he can sleep by taking her. Once school starts, I just may kill myself. It's a lot of running around and being a way from home, and with a baby? That can be rough.
-- Bentlee is now a daddy. We studded him out a few months ago and now have seven puppies. We get pick of the litter and um, NO - we are not keeping one.
-- School shopping is DONE. [Insert, happy dance here!] Clothes, check. Supplies, Check. Just shoes left to get. Whoop! It's a happy feeling.
-- Kaylee starts "Panther Camp" tomorrow. It's a 3 day program at the middle school for 6th graders to get used to the building. She's excited. Me? It just makes me more nervous, because I dread the first day of her being in a non-elementary school. She's growing up too fast.
-- I booked a room for us at the beach for Labor day weekend. Excited. This will be our first trip away as a family of five. Looking so forward to it.
-- I have been doing quite a few family photo sessions in the last few weeks and every time I am editing I tell Lee "Oh, I wish I could just do our family pictures." So, after thinking it over, and trying to figure out if it would even be possible I have decided to give it a shot. I plan to go for it in October once the leaves start to change. I am so hoping I can pull it off.
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